September 2023 Minutes


AT A MEETING of the BARKSTON AND SYSTON PARISH COUNCIL held in the Village Hall, Barkston, on Monday 11 September 2023 at 7.45 pm


Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, S. Elnor, A. Hine, S.A. Micklewright, R. Parke and A. Rowell.
Also present – District Councillor I. Stokes.


Five local residents attended the meeting. 

One resident said that she was interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, but the Chair explained that the Council was currently fully constituted and that the resident would have to wait for any vacancies to occur and apply at that time.

Two further residents expressed total support for the application for the retention of the mobile home on the site of Orchard Corner Farm, Barkston, They commented that they were impressed with how the site was managed, and the animals were well looked after.

The applicants for the application then spoke in support of their application, commenting that there were many misunderstandings and downright lies being expressed in regard to their application.  They confirmed that there would not be a café as suggested, and that there would be no ‘trekking’ as at other local sites, their alpacas were breeding stock to sell on.  They intended to live in the mobile home themselves.

A Parish Councillor queried the use of the term ‘temporary’ in the application, when the applicants had just confirmed that the unit would be their home.  He asked what was the long-term plan.  One of the applicants said that if permission was given, he would expect, within three years, that there would be a more permanent dwelling, either a lodge type dwelling, or a bungalow, the access to which would be via Drift Lane.  A further query was made in regard to access for services, in particular refuse.  One of the applicants confirmed that services did access the site, and that refuse in particular was collected via the usual method, except that he had a large bin which was collected monthly. 

The Chair thanked the residents for attending, and for their comments.  The points made in regard to the planning application would be considered later in the meeting.  The Public Forum was closed at 7.56 pm.

Before commencing the business of the Parish Council meeting, the Chair referred to the recent death of County Councillor Ray Wootten.  She said that he had been a great support to the Council over many years and would be sadly missed.

Those present stood in silent tribute.

Councillor Stokes said that any County Council issues could for the time being be passed to him for onwards transmission.


Apologies for absence, accepted for the purposes of an attendance, were received from Councillor Pell.


The minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2023, a copy of which had been circulated to all members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


Councillor Elnor declared an interest in agenda item 5(b).


Members considered the update circulated by the Clerk on 31 August, with reference to issues raised at and since the last meeting in relation to the following:

(a).   Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street – as directed at the last meeting, the Clerk had sent a strongly worded request for action on these matters, given their long outstanding nature.  LCC had said that the drains would be cleared and jetted as soon as possible.  The wider scheme of improvements was still on the list of works to do and the Area Surveyor had promised to keep up attempts to schedule the long outstanding issues for action.

(b)  Footpath opposite Village Hall, Barkston – the condition of the path had been reported to SKDC again, and a reminder had been recently sent.

The issue regarding the dyke running alongside the A607, had been passed onto, and acknowledged by, the Area Surveyor, although the promised site visit had not yet been arranged.  Clerk to remind the Area Surveyor.

(c) Speed limit reduction, Hough Road, Barkston – reported after the last meeting.  Reply now received advising that the road did not meet the density of development and accident criteria as set out in the LCC policy, and therefore the request would not proceed further.

(d) Syston Bus Shelter – now repaired.

(e) Street light, Syston – now repaired.

(f) Entrance to Picnic Area – pothole now repaired.

(g) Footpath to Picnic Area from village, along Station Road – County Council advised of the suggestion of a site for a possible footpath and asked to look into the possibility of this being provided.  The ownership of the land was uncertain, and LCC had been asked to check if it was in their ownership, but no reply had been received.

An alternative suggestion of a path on the south side of the road was made, acknowledging that both sides of the road had potential problems, and it was agreed that LCC be asked to look into a suggestion of building a pavement out from the side of the road to try and slow traffic.  Agreed that the Clerk refer this to the Area Surveyor.

(h) Station Road speed limit – although a speed limit extension had been agreed, and details had been circulated to members, it had been suggested by a member that the limit be extend-ed further west, in the interests of road safety.  This suggestion was put to the County Council who had replied that the extension of the limit further west of the picnic site, but as density of development and accident criteria were not met, the proposal as circulated was the maximum permitted.

(i)Signage on Station Road – County Council had agreed to provide a sign advising of pedestrians in the road, and a ‘humped back bridge’ sign.  Work was out with a delivery gang.

(j) A607 crossings – as no reply had been received from LCC in regard to the request for a pedestrian or pelican crossing instead of the existing refuge, the Clerk was asked to remind them.  However, the provision of a dropped kerb opposite the Village Hall was agreed, and the work was with a delivery gang.  

(k) West Street parking – Councillor Elnor advised that he had been given permission to put up a County Council specification ‘No Unauthorised Parking’ sign.  Councillor Stokes said that he would check as to whether the sign should be entirely LCC specification, or otherwise.  The Chair said, on behalf of the Council that there was sympathy with Councillor Elnor in the situation, and asked whether there was anything the Parish Council could do.  Councillor Elnor indicated that all that was required was a parking area similar to the picnic area, surfaced with road trimmings, and that this would largely resolve the parking problems being experienced.

(l) Footpath from The Drift to Main Street, Syston – currently in need of weeding/clearance.  Clerk to refer to the County Council for action.

(m) Speeding, A607 through Barkston – raised at the request of a local resident.  After the Clerk had updated the Council on the current Speedwatch situation (postponed in view of the lack of volunteers), and commented on the frequency of speed checks, it was agreed that there was enough information in the minutes to provide an update on the current position.

(n) LCC Circular on drainage records - the Clerk reminded members that he had circulated an email from the LCC Executive Councillor for roads and transport, requesting help from parishes in regard to drainage records.  Comments had been received from one member and the Clerk reminded the Council that the deadline for comments was 15th October. 


(a)    Comments/decisions:

 Decisions received:

Erection of 60 bed care home (Use Class C2) with associated access, car parking and landscaping, following demolition of the existing dwelling and ancillary buildings, The Gables, Honington Road, Barkston – no objection - withdrawn 

British Telecommunications PLC intention to install fixed line broadband electronic communications apparatus at various sites as follows:
St Nicholas Close, Barkston               
Station Road, Barkston
Hambleton Farm, Main Street, Syston
Minnett’s Hill House, Minnett’s Hill, Barkston
No comments made by Parish Council – SKDC raised no objection

(b)    Planning application S23/1432 – Retention of mobile home as a temporary rural worker’s Dwelling, Orchard Corner Farm, Drift Lane, Barkston 

(Councillor Elnor left the room during the discussion on this item).

The Council discussed the above application, taking into account the comments made during the Public Forum.  The Clerk briefly updated members on some aspects of the site’s history, particularly in regard to enforcement action requests which had been made in the past.  He reminded members that a previous application, which had been refused, was for a similar proposal, although not involving the building the subject of the current application.

The Council discussed the application, noting the comments made earlier, and the Clerk’s report, and noting also that the reason for refusal of the application referred to above had been largely met by details provided to support the current application, although it was still considered that access to the site was very poor.  After further discussion it was proposed and seconded that no objection be raised.  On being put to the vote the proposal was agreed.

(Councillor Elnor returned to the meeting)


The Clerk reported that the hedge had been cut satisfactorily.  The water meter was leaking and had been reported to Anglian Water, who had promised to repair the leak by the end of this week.


Councillor Card reported that the grass had been sprayed for weeds.  The Clerk reported that he had been asked by the Secretary to report a large depression at the Playing Field entrance (and in the highway verge), to the County Council.  This had been done and a reply was awaited.  The Clerk was asked to remind the Secretary that the risk inspection of the Children’s Play Area was overdue.


Nothing to report.


(a)    Lincolnshire County Council – litter picking kits – as agreed at the last meeting, a request had been made for six kits.  However, demand had exceeded supply and all available kits had been allocated.  The Council would be contacted as and when more became available.

(b)    SKDC – Public Spaces Protection Order– the Clerk reported information from SKDC about the proposed renewal of the Order, since its coming into effect in October 2017, and asking for observations from stakeholders, including Parish Councils.  Details of the proposals had been circulated to members.  The Clerk advised that no comments had been made in 2017, and he had had no comments from members.  It was agreed to take no further action. 

(c)    SKDC Community Strategy – the Clerk reminded members that he had circulated an email from SKDC asking for views on how the District Council could best support and develop the community.  After discussion it was agreed to note the email and circulate a link on Facebook to enable residents to comment if they wished.


The Clerk reported that the life saving training had been arranged to take place on Friday, 

10 November in the Village Hall from 6.30pm to 9pm.  Publicity had been undertaken, and several participants had registered.  It was agreed to repeat the information on the local Whatsapp and Facebook.


The Clerk advised that he had circulated information regarding the fund to the Village Hall Committee, the Playing Field Committee already being aware.  No suggestions had been received, either from community groups/organisations, or from members.  After consideration, it was agreed to consider ideas as a Council at the next meeting and then post them on Facebook/Website/Whatsapp for consideration and possible future action.


Councillor Micklewright said that he had had contact with the Treasurer/Vice-Chairman of the Village Hall Committee about the issues which had been raised at the last meeting.  In summarising the details obtained, Councillor Micklewright said that he had been told that the Committee was working effectively and that there was nothing to worry about.  There were 6/7 Trustees who met 6 times per year.  A good deal of money had been spent on improvements, as was easy to see.  In regard to availability, it was accepted that the Hall appeared to be booked frequently for a single use, but it was pointed out that this use accounted for some 40% of total income.

The Treasurer/Vice-Chairman recognised that there should be a closer relationship with the Parish Council.  After discussion, members accepted that the VH Committee was being effectively run, but considered that there should be a Parish Council representative, as had been the case in the past. It was pointed out, for information, that the Charity Commission website stated that the VH Committee did not own any property, which was clearly not the case.

Councillor Micklewright said that he would meet the VH Treasurer/Vice-Chairman to discuss the outstanding issues further, and report to the next meeting.  This was agreed. 


(a)   Financial update 

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members.

(b)   Accounts paid and for payment


 i That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):

SKDC (refund of election costs)


Lincolnshire Gardening Services (Cutting hedge at Burial Ground)


Wicksteed Leisure (Safety inspection – children’s area at P. Field)


BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – July)


Anglian Water Business (Supply 12.5.23 to 12.8.23)


Stuart Watts (Repairs to mower)


Agri-Gem Ltd (Work to cricket pitch)


H M Revenue & Customs (Clerk’s PAYE)


(ii) Account for payment:

That the following account now submitted be approved for payment:

M L Hall (Half year salary)                                                                      £1240.16


In response to a query from a member, the Clerk said that the installation of the Coronation commemorative benches would be done shortly, once the location of the Syston site had been confirmed.

The meeting closed at 9.15 pm.