Planning Policy

Adopted: 9 May 2022
Last Reviewed: 8 January 2024

Purpose of document

To summarise the approach the Parish Council has applied when planning applications, or other similar matters, are submitted to the Parish Council for comment. Furthermore, the document proposes additional detail to clarify the approach the Parish Council will take to planning applications.

Principles previously agreed by the Parish Council

The Clerk has a record of previous minutes concerning planning applications, and the approach the Parish Council had agreed for such matters.  These can be summarised below:

17th May 1984

An application outside the curtilage would be reviewed as a special case.

Applications for building within the curtilage would be considered if they were deemed to be infilling.

Applications for garages, car ports, and conservatories would most likely be approved as neighbours would have access to the plans through SKDC.

Private enterprise should be supported.

Competition should be supported.

In contentious cases the Chair will call a special meeting if necessary, if there is not a scheduled Parish Council meeting.

16th May 1991 (minute 957)

The Clerk outlined that the Chair would decide if the application fell within the category of infilling or was of a minor nature (e.g. small extension, garage, conservatory etc.).  In these cases the approach would be for the Chair, Vice-Chair and nearest Councillor to the site of the application to be consulted to prepare comments on behalf of the Parish Council.

If the development was not of a minor nature or was considered objectionable then the Chair would call a meeting.

9th May 1996

Minute 1163 noted that the Chair had the right to call a special meeting if considered necessary. 


There have been multiple conversations across a long period of time and it is considered advisable that the Parish Council documents the approach that will be taken for future applications.

Barkston and Syston Parish Council – approach to planning applications

1.  The Clerk receives all applications and consults with the Chair on the approach for each application using the following principles:

•   The Chair decides if the application is considered to be ‘simple’ (e.g. permission to make alterations to an existing property or for infilling on land within the curtilage.
•   Applications considered as ‘simple’ will be handled as follows – the Chair, Vice-Chair and nearest Councillor to the application will be consulted to provide the Parish Council response.
•   Commercial or non-residential applications will be treated in the same way as purely domestic/residential type of applications, in terms of method of consultation.
•   Applications considered to be outside of the ‘simple’ category will be handled as follows:

   where required the Chair will consider what approach is appropriate based on the nature of the application, and engage Councillors through the Clerk. The following are examples, not an exhaustive list, of how the engagement could take place:

1.   Engage all Councillors by email asking for comments;

2.   Call a meeting of the Parish Council to consider the matter; 

3.   Add an agenda item to the upcoming Parish Council meeting and clearly indicate if the matter is for discussion or decision.

•   In all cases, Parish Councillors will receive notification of applications and can make representations to the Chair for consideration when forming the Parish Council response.  These representations must be made at least 7 days prior to the deadline the Clerk has set for the Chair, Vice-Chair and nearest Councillor if they are to be considered in the ‘simple’ category.

2.  Planning applications and meetings of the Parish Council

•   The Clerk provides an update at regular Parish Council meetings on new applications, the status of ongoing applications and any decisions received from the planning authority (SKDC).  
•   It is not standard practice for planning matters to be discussed, or decisions to be made, at regular Parish Council meetings.
•   The Chair has the right to use a Parish Council meeting (either a regular Parish Council meeting, or a meeting called for the specific purpose) to discuss a planning matter, but this will clearly be indicated before the meeting along with clarity on whether the matter is for discussion or decision.

3. In a scenario where there is a formal appeal (usually received from the planning authority), on a decision previously made by the Council, using the above process the Chair will consider an appropriate course of action following consultation with the Clerk.  This could include:

•   Reviewing the decision with the members who were consulted as part of the original decision; and
•   Consulting all members through email engagement or by calling a meeting.

4.  In a scenario where new evidence is shared with any Councillor on an application where the Parish Council has previously made a decision, or provided comment, this information must be shared with the Clerk, who in turn will share this detail with the Chair.  The Chair will then make a decision on what course of action to take.  This could include:

•   Reviewing the evidence with the members who were consulted as part of the original decision;
•   Consulting all members through email engagement or by calling a meeting.

Councillor Simon Kelly

Malcolm Hall – Clerk to the Parish Council