July 2020 Agenda

Barkston And Syston Parish Council


Mr M. L. Hall

Tel: 01476 566984

Email: starlight_hall@hotmail.co.uk


32 Gorse Road



NG31 9LQ 


20th June 2020

Dear Sir/Madam

A meeting of Barkston And Syston Parish Council will take place via ‘Zoom’ on Monday 6th July 2020 at 7.30 PM.  This meeting is being held using videoconferencing technology in view of the current restrictions on meetings being held in person.

During these unprecedented times, and as meeting time is restricted, it will not be possible to hold the usual public forum prior to the meeting.  Members of the public still have the right to attend the meeting, but they may not take part in the meeting itself. 

Any member of the public wishing to ‘attend’ the meeting is asked to contact the Parish Clerk at the email address above for the relevant access code, prior to the 5th July 2020.

This is a reduced agenda due to the above-mentioned restrictions, and the holding of a virtual meeting.


Yours faithfully

Malcolm Hall

Clerk to the Council




1   Apologies.


2   Minutes of the last meeting (already circulated).


3   Members’ Code of Conduct and disclosable pecuniary interests.


4. Financial update (copy enclosed).


5. Annual Audit for 2019/2020 – to consider, and if appropriate to approve:

(a) the Certificate of Exemption from a limited assurance review;

(b) the Annual Governance Statement for 2019/2020; and

(c) the Accounting Statements for 2019/2020.

(Scanned copies of the documents referred to in 5 (a), (b) and (c) are enclosed).


6. Accounts paid (statement enclosed).


7. Date and time of next meeting.