January 2019 Minutes

At A Meeting Of The Barkston And Syston Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Barkston on Monday 14th January 2019, at 7.45pm



Councillor A C Card (Vice-Chairman) in the Chair

Councillors  S.T.Elnor, A. Hine, J.A. Jackson, S.J.Kelly and A. Rowell.

Also present: Councillor R. Wootten – County Council.


2358.  Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Connor (accepted for the purposes of an attendance) and Councillors Mrs Kaberry-Brown and Stokes (District Council).


2359.  Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 12th November 2018, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


2360.  Declarations Of Interest

There were none declared.


2361.  Roads And Footpaths

Matters raised at previous meetings, which had been referred to the County Council and other agencies for comment, were discussed as follows, together with further matters raised at the meeting:-  


1. Speeding, A607 – the Clerk reminded the Council that the proposed speed limit Order would be brought into operation on 19th January 2019.  Councillor Wootten commented that the proposed reduction of the 40 mph order leading up to Belton Lane, to 30 mph, was now out for consultation.


2. Potholes -Main Street, Syston/A607 – the Clerk reported that the County Council would be again looking at this area, and would rectify any issues found.


3. Give Way sign, near Playing Field – now done.


4. Potholes, West Street, Barkston – now repaired.


5. Gullies – Minnetts Hill/Church Street and near The Stag –these had now been cleared, and the County Council had advised that they would be returning to carry out a full camera survey in the area near The Stag as soon as possible.  Both areas would be monitored however.


6. Footpath siding back – work now completed.


7. A607 central refuge – to be investigated by the County Council.

7.55 pm – the Chair (Councillor Nussey) entered the meeting

8 pm – the Chair (Councillor Nussey) took the Chair and apologised for lateness


8. War Memorial area – the Clerk said that he had received a complaint from a local resident about the state of the road edges around the War Memorial, particularly following a recent funeral at the Church, when cars parked in the area had damaged the edges even further.  This has been referred to the County Council, with a reminder about promises of action made in the past, in the form of bollards to prevent parking right on the edges.  As a temporary measure to repair damage, it had been suggested that stone haunching would be appropriate.  The Council considered the Clerk’s  report, but it was suggested that if bollards were installed, cars would park further out into the road, potentially blocking the road completely.  The Council noted the position.


9. Petition – West Street issues – Councillor Wootten advised the Council that consideration had been given by the County Council to the issues raised in a petition which had been prepared following discussion during the public forum at the last meeting.  He then read an email containing comments and details of action proposed, as follows –

(a) waiting restrictions, West Street and Church Street –  investigations already ongoing. Residents and businesses potentially affected by any proposed scheme would be included in a consultation exercise and would be able to comment at the time.  Subject to resources this would be progressed this year;

(b) speed limit – this could only be introduced where it would form part of a scheme to promote accident reduction and where the funding criteria were met. Pursuing 20 mph limits outside the parameters would require a change in policy, and there would be a requirement to take recent government guidance into account.  This found that there was insufficient evidence to conclude that there was a significant change in collisions and casualties following the introduction of such a limit in residential areas.  Therefore 20 mph limits would not be pursued at the present time;

(c) weight restriction – already a ‘no through road’ sign, meaning that only vehicles entering West Street should be those with a local destination.  The imposition of a 7.5 tonne weight limit would not prohibit such vehicles requiring access.  It was not therefore felt that any benefit would be brought;                              

(d) children at play signs – these were restricted to schools and playgrounds.  It was not considered safe for children to play on roads, and it was a contravention of the Highways Act to play games on a highway.  Studies had shown that such signs did not reduce the speed of traffic or make drivers more observant.  The use of these signs could not therefore be condoned in this location, and parents/guardians should instruct children on the dangers of playing in or near the street;                           

(e) parking – County Council unable to instruct residents to use off-road parking, but would support any local initiative;

(f) bungalow area parking – this, together with the one Council owned house was a matter for the District Council and it was agreed that Councillor Wootten would forward the email to the two local Councillors, with a request that they take this aspect up with appropriate officers.  It was pointed out that this was often more difficult than first assumed, because of cables/pipes that would need to be moved or protected;

(g) future planning applications – the comments made would be taken into consideration but it was pointed out that it was the District Council that would make the final decision. 

It was agreed to support the proposed waiting restrictions, in principle.


10. Bedehouses area, Honington Road, Barkston – Councillor Jackson reported that he had had discussions with the County Council over the lack of any action in regard to the continuing problems with the area in front of the Bedehouses.  He had again submitted information and photographs and had suggested a meeting, although nothing had been confirmed.


11. Pothole – The Paddock/A607, Barkston – this had been reported, although no repairs had been carried out.  In the meantime, two more holes had appeared in the area, and it was suggested that repairs should be carried out to prevent the damage escalating.  Clerk to report again to the County Council.      


2362. Planning Matters      

Decisions had been taken on planning applications as follows:

Single storey rear extension to form additional bedroom with en-suite and render existing concrete stonework, West Lodge, Syston (planning/listed building applications)-both approved

Erection of detached residential annexe, Greenacres, Honington Road, Barkston –  approved 

Following consultation, comments had been made on planning applications as follows:

Demolition of existing dwelling and replacement dwelling with one replacement dwelling, two detached garages and new vehicular access, 12 West Street, Barkston - amended plan – objection

Removal of one willow and one one white birch tree, The Granary, Hough Road, Barkston – no objection – subsequently approved

Scoping application for pipeline from Lincoln to Colsterworth, via High Dyke, Barkston and Syston – no comments received                                     


2363. Burial Ground

Nothing to report.


2364. Playing Field

Councillor Kelly advised the Council that the recent monthly inspection had been carried out with no serious issues to report.  The Clerk advised that the fire extinguisher check and service had been done recently, with nothing to report.  The independent play equipment inspection had been agreed for August 2019, at a cost of £106.25 plus VAT.


2365. Correspondence

The Council noted circular 167, which had been previously circulated via email.         


2366. Financial Matters     

(a)  Financial update and budget 2019/20

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and also the likely financial position at the end of the current financial year, together with the budget report for 2019/20.

Councillor Jackson then explained the accounts in detail with reference to the above circulated documents, and took members through the development proposals and recommendations for expenditure in the report, as noted below, following which Members made decisions as follows:


8.20 pm – Councillor Elnor entered the meeting


(i) Clerk’s salary – it had been agreed at the last budget meeting, in January 2018, that the Clerk’s hourly rate should be NALC’s pay scale point 27 for 198 hours per annum.  The hourly rate for that scale point had not yet been published, so an increase of 2.5% had been assumed.  Agreed to calculate the Clerk’s salary on that basis.


(ii) War Memorial – an annual increase of £100 would mean that £1022 would be available. Agreed.

(iii)  Playing Field – 2018/19 figure of £3680 plus 2.5% = £3772.  Agreed.

(iv)  Picnic Area – setup costs could be covered by Section 137 and Poor’s Land Charity monies (£2500  from each account), any further costs being met from the General Fund.  Agreed in principle, subject to clarification of legalities concerning land ownership.

(v)  Bier Shelter repairs – the repairs had been costed at £680, although there was further funding available in the account if required.  Agreed to proceed with the works.

(vi) Village Gateways – costs were estimated at £2500 for the gateways plus £1500 for fixing. The Council considered whether or not to proceed, and it was agreed that there would be little benefit in terms of road safety.  Agreed to take no further action.

Councillor Jackson asked Members to note that adoption of all the recommendations in the report, and as particularly noted above would require a precept of £13000, compared to last year’s precept of £13102 plus the SKDC grant of £178, equalling £13280.  The Parish Council would therefore have reduced its precept in three consecutive years.  There were 244.4 Band D homes, meaning that the band would now be £53.19, a reduction of 1.2%.

 It was agreed to precept for £13000 – General Fund £6828, Burial Ground £2300, Playing Field £3772, War Memorial £100, for the financial year 2019/20.

(b)  Accounts paid and for payment


That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):                                                                                                                                                       £       

Anglian Water Business Ltd. (Supply 12.8.18-12.11.18) -13.45

Allsecure Services Ltd. (Fire extinguisher service) - 36.00