July 2019 Minutes

At A Meeting Of The Barkston And Syston Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Barkston on Monday 8th July 2019, at 7.45pm



Councillor Miss M E Nussey in the Chair

Councillors  A.C.Card,  P.C.Connor, Miss M. Costall, S.T. Elnor, Mrs S.B.Evans, A. Hine and  S.J.Kelly.

Also present – District Councillor Ian Stokes and County Councillor Ray Wootten.


2393. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Rowell (accepted for the purposes of an attendance) and Councillor Mrs Kaberry-Brown (District Council).


2394. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 13th May 2019, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


2395.  Declarations Of Interest

There were none declared.


2396. Roads And Footpaths

(a) Update on matters previously raised

Matters raised at previous meetings had been referred to the County Council for comment, but no reply had been received.  The Clerk was asked to send a reminder in regard to the following matters, where appropriate:    


1. Speed reduction consultation, A607 Manthorpe.        

2. A607 central refuge – completion of white lining work. 

3. War Memorial area – proposed waiting restrictions, situation following end of consultation.

4. Petition – West Street issues – proposed waiting restrictions, situation following end of consultation.

5. Bedehouses area, Honington Road, Barkston – current situation with investigations into history.

6. A607 verges –now restored acceptably.

7. Street nameplate – The Drift, Syston – an order had been raised for the work to be done.

8. A607 speed limit, West Willoughby to Ancaster – current situation with regard to the requested speed limit reduction.

9. Pothole – West Street, Barkston – current situation in regard to repairs.

10. Waiting restrictions enforcement – enforcement regime, when the Orders were implemented.

New issues raised:

1. Parking on Village Green, Barkston – incidents of parking on the Village Green had been noted, and after a discussion it was agreed to monitor the situation and reconsider at the next meeting.

2. Flooding, near The Stag, Barkston – it was noted that despite the recent heavy rain, there had been no noticeable flooding, as in the past.

3. Footpath, Main Street to The Drift, Syston – this path, scheduled to be cut twice a year, was overgrown. Clerk to report to the County Council and request that the path be cleared.

4. Church Lane, Syston – the road surface leading to the Church was uneven and broken, and in a dangerous condition.  In addition, the footpath was covered in moss, which was dangerous in damp weather.  Clerk to ask for the Area Surveyor to take appropriate action.

5. Pothole, The Drift, Syston – a pothole outside ‘Fair Chance’ had been reported but no action taken. Clerk to remind the Area Surveyor.


(b) Speeding, A607, Barkston

The Council considered a letter from a local resident, which had been circulated to members by email, in relation to speeding and parking matters in Barkston.  Also circulated by email was a leaflet on the Community Speedwatch Programme (CSWP).  The Clerk advised that following receipt of the letter, he had contacted the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) in regard to some of the issues raised.

The LRSP had promised enforcement during July, and this had already taken place on two occasions, and more were planned.  Clerk to request continuing checks on a random basis in future months.

The local resident had referred to the CSWP, which operated in a number of nearby parishes, and asked that the Council consider such a scheme locally.  Members were reminded that the scheme had been considered over a year ago and it had been decided to take no further action, as they were unconvinced that there would be sufficient volunteers to operate the scheme, not only from members, and in view of the likely costs involved.  In addition the view had been expressed that the scheme was ‘policing on the cheap’. Reference had been made in the letter to the scheme’s operation in nearby parishes, particularly Long Bennington, and the Clerk was asked to write formally requesting feedback.  It was also noted that Londonthorpe and Belton & Manthorpe were considering combining in the operation of the scheme, as there were insufficient volunteers in the individual parishes, and again the Clerk was asked to obtain further information.   Agreed to reconsider at the next meeting.

It had been suggested that the Council consider purchasing a mobile sign that indicated a driver’s actual speed, but the Council were reminded that the existing signs had been installed some years ago as being the best solution at the time.  The LRSP had reminder signs available for fixing along routes to remind drivers of the limit, and the Clerk was asked to request a supply of these.

After consideration of other speed reduction measures, the Clerk was asked to request the County Council to consider whether ‘rumble strips’ at each end of the village would be useful in reducing speeds.  It was also agreed to ask for ‘Please drive carefully through our village’ signs. 

Intervention by the Police was mentioned, and the Clerk was asked to request that the local beat officer attend the next meeting, with her Inspector.  Councillor Wootten indicated that he had been advised that PCSOs could now issue tickets to enforce speeding, but that he would check and advise the Clerk.

In regard to parking, there was a continuing problem with parking on bus stops, and the proposed waiting restrictions did not include these areas.   The Clerk was asked to establish whether it was necessary to extend the lines over bus stops to ensure freedom from parking, or whether the stops had their own protection.  There was also a problem with parking on grass verges, particularly in St Nicholas Close, and the Clerk was asked to establish whether or not this area, and other similar areas, could be protected with posts or bollards.

It was agreed to reconsider all the above issues at the next meeting.             


2397. Planning Matters    

Decisions had been taken on planning applications as follows:

Demolition of existing dwelling and the erection of one replacement dwelling, and one additional detached dwelling, detached garage, new front boundary wall and new vehicular access, 12 West Street, Barkston – Refused

Change of use of garage extension to holiday let, 5 Church Street, Barkston – Approved conditionally

Detached single storey garage/workshop, 3 Farm Cottages, Main Street, Syston – Approved conditionally

Erection of a storage building, Heath House, Heath Lane, Barkston – Approved conditionally

Removal of a red conifer, West Lodge, Syston – no objection – Approved conditionally

Approval of details in conditions 3, 4, 5 and 6, Land to rear of 21 West Street, Barkston – Approved conditionally


Following consultation, comments had been made on planning applications as follows:

Replace existing 5 bar gate with brick piers, cast iron gates and lantern style lights, replace kitchen window with French doors, add sliding door to games room all to side elevation, The Grange, Hough Road, Barkston – no objection

Re-submission of S16/0652, proposed bungalow and garage, Little Witham, The Drift, Syston – no objection – subsequently approved conditionally

Reference was made to a recent application made by owners of a quarry at Sudbrook for approval to be given for updated conditions to enable the quarry to re-commence work.  In view of the possibility that the lorry route from the site could affect Barkston, the Clerk was asked to request that the Parish Council be included as a formal consultee, as a neighbouring authority.  It was also noted that there was a petition in the garage, against the proposals.


2398. Burial Ground

The Clerk reported that an inspection under the Water Regulations had taken place, to ensure that the plumbing system complied, and that this appeared to have been satisfactory.   A price was still awaited for the repairs to the rear of the Bier Shelter, and this would be chased up.  A quotation had been received for the hedge cutting, in the sum of £300, and this was accepted.    


2399. Playing Field            

Councillor Kelly reported that the majority of the stolen equipment had been returned, and that the insurance claim had been settled.  As already mentioned, the steel container for the storage of equipment had been purchased and sited.  An insurance quality lock had been bought for the container, and a security post had been installed inside the main gate abutting the road. Discussions were still taking place with the insurers in regard to the format of the insurance, to which had been added the container.

The play equipment safety check would be completed shortly.  There had been incidents of minor vandalism, which had been repaired.


2400. Picnic Area

Nothing had been heard from the County Council since the last meeting, although the land had been confirmed as now officially under their control since the end of March.


2401. Correspondence

The Council noted circular 169, which had been previously circulated via email.   Also noted were the weekly emails from LALC which were forwarded on by the Clerk.


2402. Financial Matters     

(a)  Financial update

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members.  

(b) Bank Account

Noting that some changes were necessary to the signatories, following the election of Councillor Costall, it was agreed to continue the bank account on the same terms and conditions as before.        

(c) Annual Audit for 2018/2019

The Clerk advised that the Auditors had received and acknowledged the Parish Council’s notification of exempt status.  Nothing further would be heard unless any correspondence was received from local electors in regard to the accounts, following notification of the period for the exercise of public rights. 

(d)  Accounts paid and for payment


(i) That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):

Anglian Water Business Ltd. (Supply 12.2.19-12.5.19) - £11.69

BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – May) - £203.00

Fineturf  (Supply of steel container) - £2311.20 *

The payment marked * was agreed by the Chairman and two members, as it was over the Clerk’s permitted limit.

(ii) That the following account now submitted be approved for payment (cheque 477):    

Barkston & Syston Village Hall (Hire for meetings) - £60.00