September 2019 Minutes

At A Meeting Of The Barkston And Syston Parish Council held in the Village

Hall, Barkston on Monday 9th September 2019, at 7.45pm



Councillor Miss M E Nussey in the Chair

Councillors  A.C.Card,  P.C.Connor, Miss M. Costall, S.T. Elnor, Mrs S.B.Evans, A. Hine, S.J.Kelly and A. Rowell.

Also present – County Councillor Ray Wootten and PCSO Blackshaw.


Public Forum


The member of the public who had raised the issues of speeding on the A607 and parking issues in Barkston, via a letter considered at the last meeting, attended and asked for an update.  He said that he had received a copy of the Clerk’s report on the issues raised at the last meeting, circulated to members prior to the meeting, and during the following general discussion the Clerk gave further information on some of the issues, particularly in regard to parking on bus stops.  In this connection it was reported that stops had their own protection by separate legislation, but that the Traffic Regulation Order team would consider further restrictions should the need arise following implementation of the main Order.


The member of the public mentioned that in a nearby village where a scheme had been implemented, a persistent speeder had been identified and would as a result be targeted by the Police.  He considered that if that could be the result of a scheme then it would be worthwhile giving the CSW Scheme a go.

PCSO Blackshaw reminded the Council that the scheme was more about educating motorists than ticketing, but he agreed that the checks could result in action as mentioned.  A discussion in relation to parking and enforcement followed during which it was confirmed that enforcement would be by the County Council’s contractor.

The member of the public said that he was delighted to see the results of the recent checks by the LRSP, but asked that these continue, additionally with Police assistance.


The Chairman then closed the public forum at 8pm and thanked the local resident for attending, and the PCSO and members for their contributions.


Prior to commencing the meeting of the Parish Council, the Chairman reminded members that former Councillor John Jackson had been taken ill, but had returned home from hospital and was now recovering.  She said that she had sent get well wishes on behalf of the Parish Council.  


2403. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Stokes and Mrs Kaberry-Brown (District Council).


2404. Minute

The minutes of the meeting held on 8th July 2019, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


2405.  Declarations Of Interest

There were none declared.


2406. Roads And Footpaths

(a) Update on matters previously raised

Matters raised at previous meetings which had been referred to the County Council for comment, were discussed as follows, together with further matters raised at the meeting:     


1. Speed reduction consultation, A607 Manthorpe – operative with effect from 20th August 2019.     


2. A607 central refuge – completion of white lining work – not yet finished, Clerk to remind the County Council.


3. Waiting restrictions – Church Street and West Street, Barkston – not yet in place, although the County Council had hoped to implement prior to the new School year.  Clerk to remind the County Council.


4. Bedehouses area, Honington Road, Barkston – meeting arranged with the Area Surveyor for 11th September.  The Clerk advised that a copy of the history of the site had been found and copied for the Area Surveyor, which it was hoped would help enable action to be programmed.


5. Street nameplate – The Drift, Syston – now installed.


6. A607 speed limit, West Willoughby to Ancaster – with the County Council for evaluation, following the end of the consultation period.          


7. Pothole – West Street, Barkston – now done.


8. Waiting restrictions enforcement – this would be carried out by the Parking Services team, via the County Council’s contractor.  The Parish Council would have to request enforcement, but it would be random, and there would be no priority over town centres and the like.


9. Parking on Village Green, Barkston – signs requesting no parking had been displayed on the Village Green and both the Chair and Vice-Chair advised that they had spoken to the licensee of The Stag, who supported the action and had also displayed a sign in the pub.  Clerk asked to source better looking and longer lasting signs.


10. Footpath, Main Street to The Drift, Syston – now cleared.


11. Church Lane, Syston – road repaired and path cleared.


12. Pothole, The Drift, Syston – now repaired.


New issues raised


1. ‘School’ sign, A607, Barkston – Clerk to request the County Council to consider the provision of a direction sign to the School, off the A607.


2. Barkston Gorse Road – reference was made to poor and inconsiderate parking in the area of this road, the nearby farm land and the passing places leading up to the end of West Street, by persons using the area for leisure, such as dog walking.  The effect was to prevent persons being able to easily find or access the nearby caravan site, caravan storage and other leisure uses, as the signs were obscured frequently; passing places were unable to be used for the designed purpose; and there was difficulty in operating the farm properly on occasions, owing to poor and inconsiderate parking.

The present state of the Gorse Road was such that it precluded access by anything other than 4x4 vehicles, and it was suggested that if it was more adequately surfaced, then users would be able to access parking nearer the railway and beck bridges.  The Clerk was asked to put this suggestion to the County Council. 


(b) Speeding, A607, Barkston

Members had before them the Clerk’s report on issues raised at the last meeting in connection with speeding on the A607 through Barkston, and parking on Church Street.  The report listed the action requested, together with the results of investigations, and the Clerk also reported that he had discussed speeding issues in particular with the Clerk to Belton & Manthorpe Parish Council, with a view to linking with them in a CSW Scheme.  Belton & Manthorpe had agreed in principle to take part in a scheme, with Barkston and Syston, subject to costs and responsibilities being shared equally.

One of the main issues would be the recruitment of volunteers to operate a scheme, including a Co-ordinator, and to arrange training.  The same volunteers would be used for both areas, and a minimum of six would be required.  Costs of equipment would be split equally, and these were currently estimated at £350 for the speed gun, hi-viz jackets, counters and signs.  Using the same volunteers would mean that recruitment would be easier, and the suggestion of sharing would save the need for each Council to have six volunteers.

In conclusion, the Clerk recommended that the Council join with Belton & Manthorpe Parish Council in advertising – via notice boards, ‘In Touch’, websites and a leaflet drop, for volunteers.  After  discussion, the Council agreed to the Clerk’s recommendation, but without commitment and subject to review at the next meeting.

Further discussion took place on the report and the future use of data collected during checks was queried.  The Clerk was asked to establish how this was used by the LRSP.

The Council agreed not to pursue the provision of ‘Please drive carefully’ signs, or a variation of these using slightly different wording, since these already existed on the signs at each end of Barkston.

Parking, particularly on bus stop areas, was discussed, and it was agreed to remind the County Council about this when the waiting restrictions were implemented, so that enforcement could be carried out. PCSO Blackshaw said that he would attend on a weekly basis, and would also liaise with parking enforcement.


2407. Planning Matters    

Decisions had been taken on planning applications as follows:

Replace existing 5 bar gate with brick piers, cast iron gates and lantern style lights, replace kitchen window with French doors, add sliding door to games room all to side elevation, The Grange, Hough Road, Barkston – approved

Extension to dwelling, Heath House, Heath Lane, Barkston – approved

Approval of details reserved by Condition 6 (materials) of S18/1029, Land to rear of 21 West Street, Barkston – approved

Following consultation, comments had been made on planning applications as follows:

Work to various trees at the Grange, Hough Road, Barkston – no objection – subsequently approved

Proposed manege and replacement double garage, Rose Cottage, Green Lane, Syston – no objection

Erection of single storey extensions, demolition of car port and alterations, 60 Hough Road, Barkston – no objection

Erection of first floor extension, porch and detached garage, The Coach House, Church Street, Barkston – no objection

Fell Beech (T1), The Grange, Hough Road, Barkston – no objection

Fell Plum (T1), Kelling, 17 West Street, Barkston – no objection 

In regard to the application made in respect of the quarry at Sudbrook, the Clerk reported that the Council was now registered as a formal consultee.  Members had been advised and comments requested prior to the submission of a formal response.  For information, the Clerk read the comments subsequently submitted to the County Council and said that the application had not yet been considered by the County Council’s Planning Committee.  


2408. Burial Ground

It was noted that the hedge cutting had now been done. A price had been received for the completion of repairs to the Bier Shelter, in the sum of £160, and this was accepted.

A letter was received from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), in regard to proposals to place CWGC signs at as many sites as possible that contained war graves, of which there were two in the Burial Ground.  The request was agreed, the Clerk to advise the CWGC accordingly.  It was also agreed to research the history of the two servicemen, and display any information obtained at the Burial Ground.


2409. Playing Field            

Councillor Kelly reported that although the container had been in place for some time, there had been no response from the insurers in regard to the future format of the insurance.  He would be chasing the insurers and would keep the Clerk informed.  However, the major items of equipment, such as mowers, was still insured.

The annual inspection had recently been completed, all the risks being noted as low or very low.  All minor issues noted had been dealt with.  Signs had been placed on the gate and near the play area in relation to calling 101 if any vandalism or theft issues were observed.  However, it was mentioned that these had been removed.  PCSO Blackshaw said that he would check and replace if necessary.   


2410. Picnic Area

The Area Surveyor had advised that the land, although now formalised in the ownership of the County Council, needed to be officially declared as surplus to County Council requirements.  Staff changeovers recently had delayed this, but the Area Surveyor was attempting to speed the process. Clerk asked to request a speedy conclusion to this matter.     


2411. Correspondence

None, other than the weekly emails from LALC, forwarded to members by the Clerk.


2412. Tree Planting

The Clerk advised that in a recent email from LALC, there had been an offer from the Woodland Trust to supply free trees.  This was noted and the Clerk was asked to request beech hedging for the Burial Ground.


2413. Financial Matters     

(a)  Financial update

The Council noted an oral update from the Clerk on the financial position as at the end of August.  

(b) Financial Regulations update

The Clerk reported that the National Association of Local Councils had drawn the attention of  Councils to a 2019 version of the Model Financial Regulations for parishes.  He had compared these with the Council’s current Regulations, and there was little difference.  Following a brief discussion, it was agreed to note the new regulations and to circulate them for adoption at the Annual Meeting in 2020.

(c)  Accounts paid and for payment


(i) That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):

BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – June) - £406.00

South Kesteven District Council (Election costs) - £136.99

Lincs. Association of Local Councils (Training fee) - £15.00

BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – July) - £406.00

Playmaintain Ltd (Playing Field annual inspection) - £127.50

Anglian Water Business Ltd. (Supply 12.5.19-12.8.19) - £11.93


(ii) That the following accounts now submitted be approved for payment:    

Paul Johnson (Burial Ground hedge cutting) - £300.00 (Cheque £478)

M L Hall (Half year salary) - £1020.00 *

The payment marked * to be agreed by the Chairman and two members, as it was over the Clerk’s permitted limit.


2414.  Grass Verge Cutting

A member commented on a recent letter to the ‘Grantham Journal’ which had commended Barkston on its neat roadside verges, compared to other villages nearby.