March 2019 Minutes

At A Meeting Of The Barkston And Syston Parish Council held in the Village

Hall, Barkston on Monday 11th March 2019, at 7.45pm




                                       Councillor Miss M E Nussey in the Chair


Councillors  A.C.Card,  P.C.Connor,  Mrs S.B.Evans,  A. Hine, J.A. Jackson, S.J.Kelly and A. Rowell.

Also present: District Councillors Mrs R.Kaberry-Brown (from 8.30pm) and Ian Stokes.


Prior to commencing the business of the meeting the Chairman referred to the fact that this would be Councillor Jackson’s last meeting, as he would not be standing  for re-election in May.  She mentioned the fact that he had been a member of the Council since September 1978 and subsequently Vice-Chairman and Chairman for a number of years, and made a small presentation in recognition of this service. Councillor Jackson suitably replied.


2367.  Apologies


           Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Elnor (accepted for the purposes of an attendance) and Councillor Wootten (County Council).


2368.  Minutes


           The minutes of the meeting held on 14th January 2019, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


2369.  Declarations Of Interest


           There were none declared.


2370.  Roads And Footpaths


           Matters raised at previous meetings, which had been referred to the County Council and other agencies for comment, were discussed as follows, together with further matters raised at the meeting:- 


          1. Speeding, A607 – the Clerk advised the Council that nothing further had been heard in regard to the proposed reduction of the 40 mph order leading up to Manthorpe Church to 30 mph, although it was still out for consultation.


         2. Potholes -Main Street, Syston/A607 – the Clerk reported that the County Council had advised that the repairs which had been done were temporary, due to the location.  Ideally, more permanent repairs would be done, but costs prohibited this and the repairs would be monitored as part of routine inspections.     


        3. A607 central refuge – arrangements would be made for vegetation to be removed to give back the full width where possible.  The area would be monitored, but it was suggested that contact be made with the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership asking for a safety audit to be undertaken.  This was agreed.  


        4. War Memorial area – the County Council had noted the Council’s concerns, and had advised that the suggestions made at the last meeting were still being assessed. 



       5. Petition – West Street issues – nothing further heard, but Clerk to advise LCC that the Council support the proposed waiting restrictions, in principle (noting that the full proposals, if any, have not yet been notified.    


      6. Bedehouses area, Honington Road, Barkston – Councillor Jackson reported that he had met a representative of the Highway Authority on the site, and had been promised that the potholes would be filled, and that consultation would take place on a more permanent solution.  Nothing had been heard since that meeting.  The Clerk advised that he would write to the Area Surveyor.


     7. Pothole – The Paddock/A607, Barkston – this would be investigated and appropriate works actioned.


     8. Flooding, garage entrance, A607 – it was reported that there was flooding at the southern entrance to the garage, caused by a blocked drain.  Clerk to advise the County Council and request a drain clearance.


    9. A607 verges – it was reported that, as a result of the removal of turf from fields to the north of Barkston the verges had been damaged and the paths were very messy and muddy.  Contact had been made with the owner, and he had agreed to restore the area when the turf removal had been completed.  Councillor Rowell agreed to monitor the area.


  10. River Lane, Syston – the road surface was very damaged and in need of repair.  Clerk to refer to the County Council.


 11. Street nameplate – The Drift, Syston – it was suggested that a street nameplate for The Drift situated on the wall of The Old School, and more visible from the Main Road, would be an improvement, as persons currently arriving in the area from the south could not see the nameplate for The Drift, which was in the verge past River Lane.  Clerk to request SKDC to consider moving the sign, or erecting a new one.


2371. Planning Matters    


         The Council discussed the current situation in regard to the application at 12 West Street, Barkston, which had still not been considered by SKDC.  Information had been requested from the applicant but this was still awaited.  Councillor Stokes said that he would pursue this with the Development Management section.


         Following consultation, comments had been made on planning applications as follows:


                          Installation of a woodchip biomass boiler system to heat surrounding commercial and domestic buildings, within an existing building, Heath House, Heath Lane, Barkston – no objection


         Approval had been given to some minor non-material amendments in regard to the application for the erection of a house on land to the rear of 21 West Street, Barkston.


        In regard to the application for retrospective approval for the holiday let at the rear of 5 Church Street, Barkston, again nothing had been heard.  There were issues of overlooking, vehicular access and safety for possible occupiers, which may not have been addressed. Councillor Stokes said that in connection with the application he was still pursuing the question of the blocked right of way adjacent to the site.  It was suggested that the Clerk write to the SKDC Chief Executive asking him to take action in regard to the non-determination of the applications at 12 West Street and 5 Church Street, Barkston, and in addition in connection with the right of way from Church Street to St Nicholas Close. It was also suggested that contact should be made with the Fire Brigade in regard to safety at the premises.


        A garage and car port in Main Street, Syston, apparently without permission, had been referred to the SKDC  enforcement officer.  The developer had been advised that an application was necessary, and that further action would be taken should an application not be submitted.


2372. Burial Ground


          Nothing to report.


2373. Playing Field


          Councillor Kelly advised the Council that the recent monthly inspection report was on the way.  He also reported that the Playing Field AGM would be held shortly and asked the Council to consider appointing their representatives.  It was agreed to appoint Councillors Rowell and Connor.


2374. Picnic Area


         The Clerk advised that the picnic table had been purchased with the aid of Councillor Stokes’ Ward Member’s grant, for which the Council expressed thanks. 


         The Clerk said that the County Council were still involved in various legal processes before transferring control of the land to the Parish Council.  It was expected that this could take some time, and the Clerk was instructed not to authorise any work until the land was definitely under the Parish Council’s control.  


         The Council were reminded that they had agreed to the erection of a height barrier, and in connection with this, the Clerk reported a quotation in the sum of £375 for the work involved.  This was agreed.


2375. Correspondence


          The Council noted circular 167, which had been previously circulated via email.         


2376. Financial Matters     


           (a)  Financial update


                 The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and Councillor Jackson explained these for the information of members.          


            (b)  Accounts paid and for payment




That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):                                                                                                                                                       £ 

                 Glasdon UK Ltd (Picnic table)                                                645.73*     

                 Anglian Water Business Ltd. (Supply 12.11.18-12.2.19)          13.45

                 Ladywell Accountancy Services (Payroll)                                30.00

                 M L Hall (Half year salary)                                                    995.20*

                 HMRC (Clerk’s PAYE)                                                           248.80


The payments marked * were agreed by the Chairman and two members, as they were over the Clerk’s permitted limit, and the second payment was in any event a payment to the Clerk.


2377. Items For Discussion But Not Decision


          Councillor Mrs Kaberry-Brown referred to complaints received from Thistle Court in regard to activity on the adjacent car sales site, where old and damaged cars had appeared, apparently  before being repaired.  She reminded the Council that the site had an existing use for this purpose, and that this had been confirmed by the SKDC Enforcement Officer, who had also confirmed that nothing could be done.


         It was agreed to appoint Councillor Jackson as the Parish Council’s representative on the Barkston Educational Foundation for the next three years.