January 2020 Minutes

At A Meeting Of The Barkston And Syston Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Barkston on Monday 13th January 2020, at 7.45pm



Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors  A.C.Card,  Miss M. Costall, S.T. Elnor, Mrs S.B. Evans, A. Hine, S.J.Kelly and A. Rowell.

Also present – County Councillor Wootten.


2427. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Connor (accepted for the purposes of an attendance), and Councillors Mrs Kaberry-Brown and Ian Stokes (District Council).


2428. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 11th November 2019, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


2429.  Declarations Of Interest

There were none declared.


2430. Roads And Footpaths

(a) Update on matters previously raised

Matters raised at previous meetings which had been referred to the County Council for comment, were discussed as follows, together with further matters raised at the meeting:     

1.A607 central refuge – completion of white lining work – still not finished, although the County Council had apologised.  Clerk to remind the County Council again.

2. Waiting restrictions – Church Street and West Street, Barkston – the Clerk said that he had reminded the County Council and Police about enforcement in regard to waiting on the lines and at bus stops, but had not had a response despite further reminders.  Further reminder to be sent, to include reference to parking on bus stops.  County Councillor Davies, Portfolio Holder for Highways, to be advised of the lack of contact from the LCC Parking Services.

3. Bedehouses area, Honington Road, Barkston – the Clerk reported confirmation from the Area Surveyor that the works outside the Bedehouses would be included in the works programme for 2020/21.

4. Reactive speed sign – now repaired.

5. Blocked drains – Minnetts Hill/Church Street and The Stag corner – arrangements had been made for the two areas to be jetted to clear grit/soil, although the Clerk was asked to send a reminder.  It had been confirmed by the County Council that the drainage improvements outside The Stag would definitely be carried out in 2020/21.

6. Entrance to Syston Park – the Chair said that she had approached the owner of Syston Park in regard to the water flowing from the entrance, and that he had taken appropriate action, and the water had cleared.

7. Manhole, Church Street, Barkston – not yet repaired, Clerk to remind the Area Surveyor.

8. Lorry parking, Syston – this had not re-occurred since the last meeting.

9. Parking on bus stops – the Clerk reported a letter from a local resident in regard to several matters of local concern, including parking on bus stops.  This had been referred to at (2) above, when the Clerk had been requested to clarify the situation with regard to appropriate traffic regulations.

10. Abandoned vehicle, West Street, Barkston – members referred to an apparently abandoned vehicle on West Street, Barkston.  Councillor Costall agreed to obtain appropriate details to enable the Clerk to report to SKDC.

11. Hough Road, Barkston – it was noted that the road sides of Hough Road, near the beck by the railway line were again wearing, and the Clerk was asked to request appropriate action, possibly by stone haunching as before.

12. Fly tipping, Barkston Gorse – a fly tip on the edge of the road to Barkston Gorse was reported.  No action was necessary, as the tipping had now been covered by undergrowth.

13. River Lane, Syston – markings had appeared on the road, and the Clerk was asked to find out if  this indicated that some action was pending.


  (b) Speeding, A607, Barkston – Community Speedwatch Scheme

The Clerk told the Council that the formal applications from the Council and Belton & Manthorpe Parish Council had been submitted last week.   A plan had also been submitted indicating the preferred location of the reminder notices, six in number, although this was subject to formal approval by the Road Safety Partnership.  Discussion took place on the inclusion of a further reactive speed sign and wheelie bin stickers, but in both these cases, it was decided to take no further action, and to focus entirely on the Community Speedwatch scheme.  There were now 8 volunteers to operate the scheme, and a training/briefing session would be organised in due course.

As mentioned earlier, a letter had been received from a local resident, in relation to matters connected to the proposed scheme and various related matters concerning speeding on the A607.  The Clerk said that he had again reminded the Police and the RSP about the checking of speeds through the village, but that no reply had been received as yet.  The Clerk was asked to continue to pursue the Police and RSP to arrange regular checks.


2431.Planning Matters    

Decisions had been taken on planning applications as follows:

Fell Plum (T1), Kelling, 17 West Street, Barkston – approved

Work to a Hornbeam tree, Lindisfarne, The Drift, Syston - approved

Fell a black locust tree, The Granary, Hough Road, Barkston – approved

Fell a Beech (T1), The Grange, Hough Road, Barkston – approved

Erection of first floor extension and porch, The Coach House, Church Street, Barkston – approved

The appeal into the refusal of the application for development at 12 West Street, Barkston, had been allowed, subject to conditions.  Members expressed disappointment at the decision, and queried the value of the Conservation Area in these circumstances.  It was agreed to keep a close check on adherence to the conditions. 

Following consultation, comments had been made on planning applications as follows:

Extensions, Minnetts Hill House, Minnetts Hill, Barkston – no objection

Fell two Beech trees (T1 and T2), The Grange, Hough Road, Barkston – no objection – subsequently approved



2432. Burial Ground

Nothing to report.


2433. Playing Field            

Nothing to report.


2434. Picnic Area

The Clerk reported that he was now in contact with LCC Legal Services in regard to the formal transfer of the picnic area to the Parish Council.  As the Parish Council did not have a Solicitor, Legal Services had offered to act for the Parish Council.  A separate lawyer would be allocated, and this would have the benefit of speeding the process.  The two contractors who would be involved in the works had been contacted in regard to the validity of their prices, given that these had been sent some time ago.  As a result, there would be a relatively small increase totalling £562.  This could be  funded from balances, or the Charity Account/Section 137.


2435. Correspondence

LALC Circular 170, previously circulated by email, was noted.


2436. Risk Inspection

The inspection had been carried out on 19th November.  No issues had been found which required attention.


2437. Financial Matters     

(a)  Financial update and budget 2020/21

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and also the likely  financial position at the end of the current financial year, together with the budget report for 2020/21.

The Clerk then explained the accounts in detail with reference to the above circulated documents, and took members through the recommendations for expenditure in the report, as noted below, following which members made decisions as follows:

(i) Clerk’s salary – the Clerk’s current hourly rate was the NALC pay scale point 21 (higher), which was £25801, divided by 52 (weeks per year), divided by 37 (hours per week), i.e. £13.41 per hour.  The NALC pay scale for 2020/21 was yet to be published.  A rise of 2.5% in the interim would mean £13.75 per hour times 49.5 (hours per quarter), times 4 (quarters per year), which equalled a yearly salary of £2722.50.  Agreed to calculate the Clerk’s salary on that basis.  (Note: eventual salary could be different, when the NALC scales are published).

(ii) War Memorial – an annual increase of £100 would mean that £1122 would be available.  Agreed.

(iii)  Playing Field – 2019/20 figure of £3772 plus 2.5% = £3866.  Agreed.

(iv)  Picnic Area – setup costs can be covered by Section 137 and Poors Land Charity monies, with any further costs taken from the General Fund, therefore no need for a separate budget.

(v)  Community Speedwatch – any funding costs, presently estimated at £500, to be shared with Belton & Manthorpe Parish Council.  Barkston and Syston costs to be met from Section 137 or Poors Land Charity.

The Clerk asked members to note that adoption of all the recommendations in the report would require a precept of £12750, compared to last year’s precept of £13000, and the fourth reduction in a row.  There were 249.3 Band D properties, meaning that the band for 2020/21 would be £51.14, a 3.9% reduction.

It was agreed to precept for £12,750 – General Fund £6784, Burial Ground £2000, Playing Field £3866, War Memorial £100, for the financial year 2020/21.             


(b)  Accounts paid and for payment


That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):                                                                 

BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – October) - £203.00   

South Kesteven DC (Printing/laminating) - £22.50

Anglian Water Business (Supply 12.8.19 – 12.11.19) - £12.07

Corinthian Ltd (Purchase of laptop) - £472.96

Ladywell Accountancy Services (Payroll 2019/20) - £32.00

Lincolnshire County Council (Speedwatch licence fee) - £40.00


(c) Parish Council computer

The Clerk reminded members that it had been agreed that a computer (laptop) could be purchased for carrying out the Parish Council’s business.  Two prices had been obtained, and as agreed at the last meeting, the Chair/Vice-Chairman had approved the purchase.