March 2020 Minutes

At A Meeting Of The Barkston And Syston Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Barkston on Monday 9th March 2020, at 7.45pm



Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors  A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, Miss M .Costall, S.T. Elnor, Mrs S.B. Evans, A. Hine, S.J. Kelly and A. Rowell.

Also present – County Councillor Ray Wootten.


2438. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Kaberry-Brown and Ian Stokes (District Council).


2439. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 13th January 2020, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


2440.  Declarations Of Interest

There were none declared.


2441. Roads And Footpaths

(a) Update on matters previously raised

Matters raised at previous meetings which had been referred to the County Council for comment, were discussed as follows, together with further matters raised at the meeting:     

1. A607 central refuge – completion of white lining work – all outstanding works to be finished before the new contractor starts in April.If not done owing to weather, the new contractor would complete.

2. Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street and The Stag corner – The Stag corner had recently been jetted and despite heavy rain following this, the area had remained free of water.The Minnetts Hill/Church Street area had not been cleared satisfactorily, and the Clerk was asked to repeat the request for this area to be treated, and for both areas to be regularly attended to.

3. Manhole, Church Street, Barkston – now repaired.

4. Abandoned vehicle, West Street, Barkston – reported to SKDC, but vehicle now removed.

5. Hough Road, Barkston –Clerk to remind LCC, as no reply received.

6. River Lane, Syston – Clerk to remind LCC, as no reply received.

7. Bus shelter, Syston – slight damage had been reported, caused by burning, and this had been referred to the County Council for action.

8. Hough Road, Barkston – street nameplate – this had been damaged and the Clerk said that he would refer it to SKDC for action.

9. Proposed bridge over River Witham adjacent stepping stones - the County Council had advised that they were currently exploring the viability of installing a bridle bridge adjacent to the stepping stones, and had contacted the neighbouring farmers/landowners.  The proposals were in the initial stages, and no firm decisions had been taken.  Councillor Elnor, as local landowner, explained his concerns and the potential dangers in more detail, also mentioning his concerns at car parking at the end of his farm road, where parked cars were causing a hazard and damaging the road and its edges.  He also suggested that the stepping stones shouldn’t be removed in favour of a bridge alone. The County Council had replied suggesting that there were no plans to remove the stepping stones and the plans were only in the investigative stage.  The concerns over parking had been referred to highways.  The Clerk confirmed that the Parish Council had not been formally consulted, and it was agreed to note the proposals for now and await formal consultation with more detail.

10. Footpath, The Drift to Main Street, Syston – this path was in certain parts covered in moss which caused the path to become slippery when damp.  Clerk to refer to SKDC for action.


(b) Speeding, A607, Barkston – Community Speedwatch Scheme

The Clerk gave an update in regard to the Community Speedwatch scheme.  The six passive warning notices had been placed on the A607 and training for volunteers had started, although there were still number awaiting training.  Equipment had been either bought or sourced, and it was expected that this would be at lesser cost than previously advised.  Finally, the Road Safety Partnership had agreed the site for the actual checks. 

It had been suggested that the Council might not have adequately considered the benefits of the Speed Indicating Devices, currently installed in some local Parishes, as an alternative to the roadside checks agreed by the Council.  However, after lengthy consideration, members were firmly of the opinion that they had all relevant facts to hand before making a decision on the scheme to be used.

The local resident who had raised a number of related matters had suggested that average speed cameras might be useful in reducing speeds through the village, but had been advised that the criteria were not met.  There was a commitment by the Police to give attention to speeding, within available staffing resources, and the Clerk reported an email from the local PCSO to this effect.

It had been suggested by the local resident that a Councillor be appointed to take on responsibility for highways.  However, after much consideration, it was agreed that in such a small parish, all Councillors had a responsibility, and therefore the suggestion was not agreed.


(c)Parking issues – Church Street, Barkston

The Clerk reminded members that he had, as requested, contacted the local PCSO and County Council about enforcement of the parking restriction on the waiting restricted area and on bus stops.  He had also contacted the Highways Portfolio Holder, who had referred him to the local County Councillor (Councillor Wootten) as the appropriate way to proceed. 

PCSO Mooney had confirmed that much attention had been given to parking on the double yellows, mainly at school times, and no evidence had been found of parent parking.  Several members confirmed a similar view, in that there was little or no parking on the lines. 

The issue of parking on bus stops remained, however.  A local resident had suggested that consideration might be given to the removal of the stop opposite the school, which was frequently blocked by cars, as well as the stop near The Stag, frequently blocked by pub patrons.  An email had been received from the Transport section of the County Council in relation to the shelter at Syston, which also referred to the issues mentioned above, referred to them by Councillor Wootten.  Further information had been requested, which had been supplied by the Clerk, including the suggestion about removal of two of the stops.  The Transport section were, in principal, in agreement, and had agreed to consult the bus operators and highways about the suggestion. 

Members discussed the reports in detail, but did not agree with the suggestion regarding the removal of the two stops suggested above, for the reason that they had been sited where they were for the benefit of local residents.  It was considered that the best solution was to request appropriate road markings and signs, as had been placed at similar locations in nearby villages.  Clerk to request that the attention given to parking on bus stops is continued.      


2441.Planning Matters   

Decisions had been taken on planning applications as follows:

Extensions, Minnetts Hill House, Minnetts Hill, Barkston – approved

Following consultation, comments had been made on planning applications as follows:

Fell 4 trees, The Yews Barn, Church Street, Barkston – no objection

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of S18/1029 to create a usable roof space, Land to rear of 21 West Street, Barkston – no objection

Proposed extensions and alterations to dwelling, and raising height of eastern boundary wall, Greenacres, Honington Road, Barkston – no objection


2442. Burial Ground

The trees ordered from the Woodland Trust were expected shortly.  Clerk to remind the Commonwealth War Graves Commission in regard to the war graves sign which had been ordered.


2443. Playing Field            

The AGM was to be held at the end of April.  It was agreed to re-appoint Councillors Connor and Rowell as the Parish Council’s representatives.  The monthly inspection of the play equipment would take place shortly.


2444. Picnic Area

The Clerk told the Council that the lawyer acting for them in the transfer of the picnic area land had completed his investigation of the title and draft transfer of the land and had no concerns to draw to the Council’s attention.  The results of the local search with SKDC were awaited, but once these were in, the transfer deed could be executed.  It was agreed that the Chair and Vice-Chairman be authorised to execute the deed.


2445. Correspondence

A meeting of the North Rural Policing Panel, to which members were invited, was to be held at Dry Doddington Village Hall on Saturday 28th March at 10am.  Clerk to circulate a reminder to Members.


2446. Fly Tipping And Dumping

Members considered a report of recent dumping on Hough Road, Barkston, when a sofa bed and a quantity of wood had been left in a field gateway.  The wood had subsequently been removed by persons unknown, and the bed, which had been left, had been removed by SKDC, following a report by the Clerk.

It was noted that fly tipping in the area had increased lately, and several examples were given, including the dumping (and subsequent removal) of some drug related items in Syston.  It was considered that fly tipping might be reduced if the local civic amenity site was open more often.   Councillor Wootten reminded members that information on facilities was available on the County Council’s website.  It was agreed that while there were no ‘hotspots’ or sites of frequent tipping, it would be useful to publicise facilities for disposing of bulky waste.  It was also agreed that the Clerk ask if LALC and the Grantham Journal could publish the Council’s concern, with information about the facilities available, and also to contact the appropriate SKDC portfolio holder.


2447.Health And Safety Policy

Members had before them a draft Health and Safety Policy, which had been produced following guidance from LALC.  The document had been circulated for the information of members at this stage, prior to formal consideration/acceptance at the May meeting.

Councillor Kelly wondered if the document would apply to the Playing Field, and the Clerk said that would take advice and contact the Councillor direct prior to the next meeting.  The Clerk asked that any comments be sent to him by the end of April.


2448. Financial Matters     

(a)  Financial update

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members.


(b)  Accounts paid and for payment


That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):                                               

Anglian Water Business (Supply 12.11.19 – 2.2.20) - £13.48



2449. Items For Discussion But Not Decision

The Clerk reminded members that the next meeting, which was the Annual Meeting, was scheduled for the 11th May, although this might be changed if a direction was received from the Government.

Councillors Hine and Rowell told the meeting that they had received advice about cleaning the defibrillators, given the current situation.