November 2020 Minutes

At A Meeting Of The Barkston And Syston Parish Council held on Monday 9th November 2020 via videolink (Zoom) at 7.45pm



Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, Miss M. Costall, S.T. Elnor, Mrs S.Evans, A. Hine, S.J.Kelly and A. Rowell.

Also present – District Councillor Ian Stokes.


2468. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs Rosemary Kaberry-Brown (District Council) and Councillor Ray Wootten (County Council)


2469. Minutes

The minutes of the Zoom meeting held on 14th September 2020, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


2470. Declarations Of Interest

There were none declared.


2471. Roads And Footpaths

(a) Update on matters previously raised

Members considered the two updates circulated by the Clerk, firstly on 13th October, with reference to issues raised at the meetings on 6th July and 14th September, and secondly a further update from the previous week:

1. Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street and The Stag corner – The Stag corner had recently been jetted and was free of water in heavy rain. The County Council had confirmed that a visit was to take place to establish exactly what to do in regard to the promised works. It was expected that additions/repairs to the existing drainage would be complete by the end of March 2021. Minnetts Hill/Church Street had not however been cleared and a further request had been made, as reported to the last meeting.

2. Hough Road, Barkston – as agreed at the last meeting, this had been reported again to LCC for action.

3. River Lane, Syston – reported for action to see if works can be done. Investigations also taking place into the surfacing of the road past the last house.

4. Proposed bridge over River Witham adjacent stepping stones – still no formal consultation received. It was suggested that the construction of the bridge was unlikely to happen, as there was insufficient finance available. It was mentioned also that the adjoining stepping stones were slippery and dangerous, and suggested that extra support was needed to prevent erosion of the banks, although another view was expressed that access was not difficult. After discussion it was decided to take no further action and await further information in regard to the bridge. The request for the provision of parking, in view of the increasing use of the area for recreation had been made, but other than an acknowledgement, nothing further had been received. There had been considerable correspondence between the local farmer, the NFU, Councillor Wootten and the local MP, which it was hoped would result in improvements.

5. Footpath fouling by dogs – notices erected at each end of the path from River Lane to Marston Road by SKDC.

6. Potholes –reported to LCC as agreed, and an acknowledgement received.

7. Mowing of grass verges – verge along Main Street, Syston to the Village Hall agreed for inclusion in the mowing schedule, and recently cut.

8. Speeding, A607 – this had been reported to the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, and a survey had been organised, resulting in confirmation that the criteria for the mobile enforcement van had been met. A suitable site for the van to be stationed had been agreed and the RSP were now working to include the Parish on the list. It was not expected that this would be before March 2021.

9. Footpath, Hough Road, Barkston – the stile and supporting posts and fence at the path just before the railway crossing had been demolished, possibly by a vehicle. LCC Countryside had been informed and had agreed to replace the fencing and install a new gate.

(b) Speeding, A607, Barkston – Community Speedwatch Scheme

Operation of the scheme is still paused, owing to issues related to the Coronavirus Pandemic. The Road Safety Partnership had recently advised that no schemes could operate until at least the end of the current lockdown in early December. In addition, there were still difficulties with training, and a suitable trainer was still being sought by the RSP. The Clerk said that he and his colleague from Belton would continue to monitor the situation.

(c) Parking issues – Church Street, Barkston The formal consultation in relation to the bus stop clearway proposals had been received and circulated to members, and publicised in the area, with a request for comments by the 27th November. Although the Parish Council had already expressed informal support, it was agreed to formally raise no objection to the proposals. In regard to the bus vibration issue and setting off of car alarms, Councillors Rowell and Costall had monitored the area from the last meeting until the end of September, and no issues connected to the sounding of alarms were reported. LCC have been informed and are considering how to proceed.

2472.Planning Matters

(a) Decisions on applications already reported:

Drive through coffee shop, Toll Bar Road/A1 junction, Marston (consulted as a neighbouring authority - No objection – subsequently approved, subject to the A1 crossing being closed Retention of agricultural building, Westfield Farm, Station Road, Barkston – no objection – subsequently approved

Single storey rear extension, Heath House, Heath Lane, Barkston – no objection – subsequently approved

Reinstatement of quarry, Sudbrook (consulted as a neighbouring authority) – objections – approved conditionally

Following consultation, comments had been made on planning applications as follows:

Extension and change of use of building 11 to accommodate plastic waste recovery operation, New Solutions, Copper Hill, Ancaster (consulted as a neighbouring authority) – no objection

For information, the Clerk advised that reference had been made to the SKDC Enforcement Section in regard to two sites; firstly, a site off Drift Lane, Barkston, to be used for the erection of a barn (for use by alpacas), where a mobile home had been installed without permission; and secondly Maple Grove, Main Street, Syston, being used for a business without permission for change of use.

(b) SKDC Local Plan Review

Details of the SKDC Local Plan Review had been circulated to members prior to the meeting. Comments were required by the end of November. No comments had been received, and Councillor Stokes said that the Council were required to review the Plan, and consider any requests for sites from landowners. In the event that there were any for Barkston or Syston, the Parish Council would be advised. It was agreed to make no comment.


2473. Burial Ground

No issues were raised, except that Councillors Card and Rowell reported that they planned to remove a self-set bush growing on one of the oldest graves.


2474. Playing Field

Councillor Kelly reported that the children’s play area had recently been inspected, with no issues reported. The area was staying open, in accordance with Government guidelines, although some the warning notices had been destroyed. The main part of the Playing Field was being used.


2475. Picnic Area

The transfer of land from the County Council had been concluded, and the original title documents had been received. The contractor for the proposed refurbishment works had advised that nothing could be done this year, but depending on the weather over winter, he was aiming to complete the work before the spring.

The Clerk advised that during the recent risk inspection, it had been noticed that the tree to the right of the entrance was in need of either trimming or felling. It was agreed that the Vice-Chairman would obtain a quotation for trimming, and arrange for the work to be carried out if appropriate.


2476. Review Of Policies

(a) to (e) The Council reviewed the Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Risk Assessment, Audit Plan and Planning Policy. The only changes suggested were in the Risk Assessment, a copy of which had been circulated to members, to include changes in regard to the safekeeping of documents, and in regard to online banking safeguards. In addition, the Clerk told the Council that it would now be necessary to include the Picnic Area in the assessment, for checking every six months. The Council confirmed the listed policies as amended. Councillor Kelly, as Chairman of the Playing Field Committee, commented that although he undertook a regular check of the children’s play area, no such checks were carried out on the remainder of the Playing Field. It was agreed that the Clerk and Councillor Kelly would liaise, and report to the next meeting, with a suitable amendment if appropriate.


2477. Correspondence

(a) Barkston Post Office – discussion took place on an email from the Post Office in regard to the Outreach facility which had operated in the St Nicholas Close Communal Room for some time, until lockdown last March. The Post Office were now attempting to reinstate the service, as they had been designated an essential service under new Government regulations, and they were trying to provide this service to vulnerable members of the community, where a permanent office was unavailable.

Alternative premises had been explored, but were not suitable, and the Parish Council were asked if they could influence the Communal Room’s owners (SKDC) to try to find a solution.

After discussion, it was agreed that the Clerk and Councillor Stokes would request SKDC to consider reopening the Communal Room to enable the Outreach Post Office to be reinstated.

(8.23pm – the Zoom meeting timed out. Members signed in again and the meeting resumed at 8.25pm., with the exception of Councillors Costall, Evans and Hine. Councillor Costall signed in later).

(b) Barkston Educational Foundation – the Clerk told the Council that Mr John Jackson had resigned as the Parish Council’s representative on the Barkston Educational Foundation, and a replacement was required for a new term of four years. In view of the fact that three Councillors were not present at the time, it was agreed to defer the appointment to the January meeting.


2478. Fly Tipping And Dumping

The Clerk told the Council that further notices in regard to the operation of the civic amenity site had been sourced from the County Council, and would be placed on the notice boards, on the website and in ‘In Touch’. He also said that he had recently checked the site of the recent fly tip on Hough Road, and had reported a small amount of fairly old fly tipped rubbish via the SKDC website. A recent fly tip of builders’ rubble at the junction of Frinkley Lane and the road to the old Gorse Farm was noted, and the Clerk said that this would be reported to SKDC via the website.


2479. Village Green – Christmas Decoration

The Clerk reported that he had been asked by Mrs Rachel Metcalfe, of Barkston, if the Parish Council would have any objection to the Village Green being decorated for Christmas, in an attempt to provide some cheer to local residents in the current circumstances. Mrs Metcalfe had been advised that the Council had no control over the Green, and had accordingly been referred to the County Council, via Councillor Wootten. He had asked the Portfolio Holder for highways, who had raised no objection.

Noting that the initiative was to raise funds in memory of a young resident who had recently died, the Council raised no objection, and positively supported the initiative.


2480. Risk Inspection

The inspection had been carried out on 3rd November. No issues had been found which required attention from a safety point of view, noting that the trimming of the tree at the picnic area had been mentioned earlier in the meeting. During the inspection of the War Memorial it had been noted that the base was in need of cleaning. A quotation in the sum of £280 had been obtained from the contractor who had cleaned the Memorial in 2012, and this was agreed.


2481. Financial Matters

(a) Financial update

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members.

(b) Accounts paid and for payment


That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):

BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – September) £406.00

Anglian Water Business (Supply 16.3.20 – 12.5.20) £7.44

Fineturf (Hire of aeration machine for cricket pitch) £262.60


2482. Items For Discussion But Not Decision

The Clerk reminded members that the next meeting was scheduled for the 11th January 2021. This would be the budget meeting, and the Clerk asked that any (costed) requests be sent to him by just after Christmas.