September 2020 Minutes

At A Meeting Of The Barkston And Syston Parish Council held on Monday 14th September 2020 via videolink (Zoom) at 7.45pm



Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, Miss M. Costall, S.T. Elnor, A. Hine and A. Rowell.

Also present – County Councillor Ray Wootten.


2456. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs Evans (accepted for the purposes of an attendance) and Councillors Mrs Kaberry-Brown and Ian Stokes (District Council).


2457. Minutes

The minutes of the Zoom meeting held on 6th July 2020, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


2458.  Declarations Of Interest

There were none declared.


2459. Roads And Footpaths

(a) Update on matters previously raised

Members considered the two updates circulated by the Clerk, firstly on 24th August, with reference to issues raised at the meeting on 9th March, and secondly a further update from the previous week:

1. A607 central refuge – completion of white lining work – work completed.

2. Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street and The Stag corner – The Stag corner had recently been jetted and despite heavy rain following this, the area had remained free of water. The Minnetts Hill/Church Street area had not been cleared, and following localised flooding a short while ago, a further request had been made.

3. Manhole, Church Street, Barkston – now repaired.

4. Abandoned vehicle, West Street, Barkston – reported to SKDC, but vehicle now removed.

5. Hough Road, Barkston – LCC had advised that a visit would be made to the site to assess action required, Clerk to remind LCC, as no reply received.

6. River Lane, Syston – Clerk to again remind LCC, as no reply received.  Clerk to also query the status of the road past the last house, specifically in regard to surfacing.

7. Bus shelter, Syston – seat repaired and shelter painted.             

8. Hough Road, Barkston – street nameplate – now repaired.

9. Proposed bridge over River Witham adjacent stepping stones – no further formal consultation had been received.  After consultation with the Countryside section of LCC, the local farmer had been permitted to place posts preventing parking near the farm entrance at the end of West Street, and notices reminding users that they should not park in the passing bays had been erected.  Most users now parked well off the road, making it easier for large vehicles and caravans to pass. Countryside had also agreed to erect Section 34 notices at the West Street end of bridleway 3, to alert road users that only access for farms, railway etc., was permitted, following a request from a local resident.

Councillor Elnor said that in his opinion, the problem was only now about 10% of what it had been, and it was agreed to refer the matter to LCC with a request for the provision of parking.

10. Footpath, The Drift to Main Street, Syston – path cleared.

11. Church Street, Barkston  - waiting restrictions – this issue had been raised after the meeting in March, and concerned a short length of Church Street to the left of the School vehicle entrance.  This short length of road had been left out of the recently approved waiting restriction order, and its use for parking, particularly at school times, was causing problems.  The County Council had been asked to consider an extension to the current order to include this stretch, and the request had joined a long list.

12. Footpath fouling by dogs – following a request before the meeting, SKDC had been asked to provide official ‘No fouling’ notices at each end of the riverside path from River Lane, Syston to Station Road, Barkston. 

13. Waiting restrictions – West Street, Barkston – a recent incident involved a legally parked car preventing access by a combine harvester.  It had been suggested that the lines be altered to allow for the easier access of large vehicles.  It was pointed out that if this was done, there would be little, if any, legal parking for residents.  Accordingly, the request had been dropped.

14. Potholes – Minnetts Hill, Barkston – a very large pothole had been reported for action via Fixmystreet,  but it was noted that there were several more on the road.  Clerk to report to County Council.

15. Mowing of grass verges – agreed to include the stretch of verge on Syston Main Street leading up to the Village Hall in the mowing schedule.


  (b) Speeding, A607, Barkston – Community Speedwatch Scheme

Operation of the scheme had been paused, owing to issues related to the Coronavirus Pandemic.  Recently, however, the Road Safety Partnership had advised that schemes could operate subject to suitable distancing measures in accordance with current practice.  There were, in addition, still a number of volunteers to be trained from both Barkston and Belton.  Unfortunately, however, the trainer had recently left the RSP and there was no replacement at present.  This meant that there were insufficient volunteers to enable the scheme to function properly and in the circumstances no checks could be made.  The Clerk said that both himself and the Clerk from Belton continued to monitor the situation.


(c)Parking issues – Church Street, Barkston

As mentioned in the Clerk’s update, appropriate signs and road markings had been requested and LCC had recently advised that they would consult on a scheme with the hope that the measures could be implemented later this year, assuming no objections.

Also, in regard to the bus stops, a complaint had been received from a resident that vibrations from buses were causing their car alarm to go off, which was a nuisance to them and their neighbours.  They had asked if all bus stops were needed, and for the Transport Section to investigate.  The Clerk said that he had responded confirming the Council’s earlier decision that all stops were needed, and that no similar complaints had ever been received in the past.

The Transport Section had asked if the Council could help by arranging monitoring of the area, to establish what happens when buses both drove past or stopped at the bus stop.  Councillor Rowell agreed to carry out this task and liaise with the Clerk to report back to the County Council.


2460.Planning Matters

Decisions on applications already reported:

Fell 3 Horse Chestnut and 1 Laburnum, The Yews Barn, Church Street, Barkston – approved

Fell 1 Laburnum and 3 Oak, The Yews Barn, Church Street, Barkston – approved

Variation of condition2 (approved plans) of S18/1029 to create a usable roof space, Land to rear of 21 West Street, Barkston - approved                    

Proposed two storey front and single storey rear extensions, including raising the height of the existing eastern boundary wall, Greenacres, Honington Road, Barkston - approved


Following consultation, comments had been made on planning applications as follows:

Work to 4 trees, The Grange, Hough Road, Barkston – no objection – subsequently approved

Proposed detached garage, The Yews Barn, Church Street, Barkston – no objection – subsequently approved

Storage extensions and installation of gas storage tank, Mid-Uk recycling, High Dyke, Ancaster (consulted as a neighbouring authority) – no objection – subsequently approved

Erection of a single storey dwelling, Mossend, 2 Hough Road, Barkston – no objection – subsequently approved

Erection of storage barn 8.5m x 6m, Land at Drift Lane, Barkston (determination as to whether the prior approval of details is required) – SKDC decision that the formal submission of details is not required, and that the development can proceed as notified

Drive through coffee shop, Toll Bar Road/A1 junction, Marston (consulted as a neighbouring authority - No objection

Submission of details required by condition 3 (dormer windows) of planning application S18/1029, Land to rear of 21 West Street, Barkston – approved

Retention of agricultural building, Westfield Farm, Station Road, Barkston – no objection

Submission of details reserved by condition 12 (external finishes) of S18/0584, 12 West Street, Barkston - approved

Outline application for 9 dwellings with all matters reserved, Gipple Farm Cottages, Heath Lane, Barkston – objection - refused

Single storey rear extension, Heath House, Heath Lane, Barkston – no objection


 2461. Burial Ground

The hedge had recently been satisfactorily cut, and the water supply costs had been suspended since lockdown.


2462. Playing Field            

On behalf of Councillor Kelly, the Clerk reported that SKDC had processed grant aid that was available for organisations who received small business rate relief as part of the Coronavirus response. The Playing Field Committee considered this to be a positive development, and the money would be reinvested in the community.

It was also reported that the play equipment had been re-opened, following a risk assessment, and suitable warning notices had been exhibited.  In reply to a question, the Clerk confirmed that the monthly checks of the play equipment continued to be made.       


2463. Picnic Area

The Clerk told the Council that the transfer of the picnic area land had been completed and that the Parish Council were now the owners of the area.  The actual documentation had not been received, however, as the County Council were awaiting the Land Registry documentation.  In the meantime the Clerk advised that he had contacted Simon Williams, who was the agreed contractor, to schedule works when he was available, although this could be some time yet, as he was catching up on other agreed jobs.


2464. Correspondence

(a) Consultation on Public Space Protection Order – an SKDC consultation on the above had been circulated to members for comment.  No issues had been raised on the principle, which was to  extend the existing order for a further three years.  However, comments had been made on dog fouling on footpaths, which was covered, and the Clerk advised that he had requested official SKDC signs on each end of the riverside path from River Lane, Syston to Station Road, Barkston. The Clerk was asked to establish whether or not the order had any provisions concerning a requirement to have dogs on leads on footpaths.

(b) LALC Circular 173, previously circulated by email, was noted.

(c) The LALC Annual Report for 2019/2020 had been received.  The Clerk advised that an electronic version had also been received, and this would be circulated to members.


2465. Fly Tipping And Dumping

The Clerk said that as requested he had asked LALC and the Grantham Journal to publish the Council’s concerns, with information about the facilities available, and he had also contacted the appropriate SKDC portfolio holder.  Both LALC and the Grantham Journal had published details of the Parish Council’s concerns, together with information on facilities for disposing of bulky waste.  Posters had been received from LCC giving details of the re-opening of the Civic Amenity sites, and these had been posted on the notice boards and on the website.

A reply had only recently been received from the SKDC portfolio holder.  It was confirmed that  SKDC tried to remove all reported fly tips as soon as they were reported, and that they were urging the County Council to extend the opening days and times of their facilities, as well as prosecuting offenders.  It was also suggested that the local County Councillor be urged to also request that facilities be improved.  The Clerk was asked to arrange for further notices to be sourced from the County Council.


  2466. Financial Matters     

(a)  Financial update

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members.

(b)  Accounts paid and for payment


That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):   

BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – June) - £203.00

Lincolnshire County Council (Legal fees – picnic area) - £220.00

Lincolnshire Gardening Services (Burial Ground hedge) - £360.00

BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – July) - £406.00

St Nicholas Church PC (Contribution – ‘In Touch’) - £244.00

Barkston PCC (Contribution – Church clock) - £150.00

BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – August) - £203.00

Ladywell Accountancy Services (Payroll 2020/21) - £32.00

HM Revenue and Customs (Clerk’s PAYE) - £272.80

M L Hall (Half year salary) - £1091.42 Note 1


Note 1 – this payment was over the Clerk’s £500 limit, and was in any event a large payment to the Clerk himself.  Authorised in the agreed manner.                              


2467. Items For Discussion But Not Decision

The Clerk reminded members that the next meeting was scheduled for the 9th November, although at the present time it was uncertain whether this would be in person or via Zoom.

Agreed to request Police speed checks, in view of the gradual increase in speeds through the village.