May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Held in The Village Hall, Barkston, on Monday 13th May 2024 at 8:00 pm
Present: Councillors M.E. Nussey (Chair) A.C. Card (Vice Chair), P.C Connor, A. Hine, C.I. Pell and A. Rowell.
Also Present: 10 members of the public.
1. Apologies.
Councillors S. Elnor, S.A. Micklewright, and R. Parke,
2. Election of Chair
PC proposed M Nussey for Chair and AR seconded the proposal which was unanimously agreed.
3. Election of Vice Chair
JN proposed A Card as Vice Chair and PC seconded the proposal which was unanimously agreed.
4. Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting.
The minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting were read, approved as a correct record with the amendment of the date to 2024 from 2023 and signed by the Chairman.
5. Members’ Code of Conduct and disclosable pecuniary interests.
No interests declared
6. Roads and footpaths
Update on matters previously discussed.
The Clerk advised that the Syston sign had been replaced but was on a shorter wooden post and the metal one was still in the ditch – Action: Clerk to ascertain if this a temporary fix or permanent.
It was noted that the dropped kerb outside the village hall had now been completed
Traffic Parking & Speeding concerns
A resident raised concerns over the parking of parents dropping children off at the school. they are parking on the footpaths blocking access to pedestrians who are then having to walk in the road. Vehicals are also traveling fast putting pedestrians and other road users in danger. Action:- It was agreed that the clerk would contact the Head Teacher requesting that she advises parents of the concerns and also contact the local PCSO
Dog Fouling Syston
Syston villagers had raised concerns over dog fouling in the village and had put notices up asking dog owners to clear up after their dogs. It was noted that there are no dog waste bins in the village. Action: -It was agreed that the clerk would contact the council to request a bin for River Lane and PC agreed that should the council not agree to empty the bin Cllr Peter Connor kindly agreed to do so
Overgrown footpath between The Drift & Main Street
Concerns have been raised over the footpath from the drift to main street and along main street from the bus shelter being over grown and in poor state of repair. Action: - Clerk to report to Council
Other Concerns Raised
It was also noted that the garden of West lodge was being flooded due to the pipe under the highway being blocked Action; - Clerk to report to Council
It was also noted that the council had painted the bus shelter which the councillors appreciated and the large hole under the first bridge on Station road had been filled in.
7. Planning
Ash Tree Solar Farm Application, Londonthorpe
PC Update the meeting in respect of a recent meeting held by the company to update the parishes on their plans. He advised that whilst there are no objections to the solar farms location there are concerns over the current applicants’ proposals to route the electricity conduit through London Thorpe village.
Retention of mobile home as a temporary rural workers dwelling. Drift Lane Barkston
The clerk reported that this application was due to be discussed at the planning committee meeting on 16/05/2024, the chair advised the meeting that the parish council had previously advised that they had no objection to this application and it was agreed that a representative from the parish council was not required at the meeting Action: - Clerk would contact SKDC to confirm that they would not be attending and had no objection to the application
8. Playing Field.
Annual Play Equipment Safety Check
The clerk advised that the Annual Safety check was Due. Action: Clerk to arrange Check
Theft of Swing
The large swing at the playing field has been stolen and a replacement including fitting is in the region of £3.5k. Mr Parker had advise the clerk that he had consulted local parents who said that the swing was popular with younger children who are too small for the traditional swings. It was unanimously agreed that a claim should be made against the parish insurance Action: clerk to send claim to Insurance company
9. Flood Defense Provision update.
Deferred until next meeting when SM is in attendance to field questions
10. PC Communications to Residents & Noticeboards
Deferred until next meeting when SM is in attendance to field questions but The clerk advised that she will update Barkston Facebook and Syston WhatsApp groups with Minutes and Agendas
11. South Kesteven Prosperity Fund.
Deferred until next meeting when SM is in attendance to field questions
12. Village Hall.
PC advised the meeting that had been in touch with a resident who had advised that the village hall was gifted to the parish and he was working with the village hall committee to ensure that it was registered with land registry
13. Financial Matters:
A) Approval of 2023-24 accounts and annual accounting statements and certificate of exemption were reviewed and unanimously agreed and signed by the chair
B) Accounts paid and for payment were reviewed and unanimously agreed for payment
C) Current Years income & Expenditure and Budget Position was circulated to councilors
It was agreed that the clerk would contact the bank to discuss investment opportunity’s
14. D-Day Beacons/Celebrations
The Chair advised that she was not aware of any celebrations/beacons for D Day in the parish
15. Standing Orders
The Clerk advised that the Councils Standing orders are due for review. It was agreed that she would work with MN & PC to review before next meeting with the intention to align with NALC standing orders
16. Any other business for discussion but not decision
The Clerk Advised that the picknick area was over grown and would look at the maintenance contract to see if it is included
The Chair asked for update on Burial Ground and was advised that there are no current issues.
The Meeting closed at 9:10