July 2024 Minutes
MINUTES of MEETING for the PARISHES OF BARKSTON AND SYSTON held in The Village Hall, Barkston, on Monday 8th July 2024 at 7:45 pm
Present: Councillors M.E. Nussey (Chair), P.C Connor, A. Hine, C.I. Pell, A. Rowell, S Micklewright, S Elnor, R Parke
Also Present: 3 Members of the public.
1) Apologies.
A.C Card
2) Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting dated 08.07.2024
Proposed for Approval by P Connor & Seconded By A Rowell
3) Members’ Code of Conduct and disclosable pecuniary interests.
4) Roads and footpaths Update on matters previously raised
Syston Sign – Has been replaced with shorter sign on wooden post – clerk awaiting response if this is temporary or permanent sign.
Dog Fouling Syston – Clerk still awaiting response from SKDC regarding supply and fit of bin for River Lane – Clerk to chase
Blocked Pipe West Lodge – Site visit has taken place and LCC have issued works to Highways Team.
Large Pothole under Railway Bridge Station Road – Fixed but flooding in heavy rain still an issue
Overgrown Verge Corner of Main Street/West Street – Now added to Parish Mowing schedule
Gravel & Potholes North of Bridge on Hough Road – Clerk to report issue to LCC
5) Planning Report of Comments and Decisions
Application Decisions:
Application No: S23/1432 Date Received: 2nd August 2023 Applicant: Mrs Charlotte Major Proposal: Retention of mobile home as a temporary rural worker dwelling. Location: Orchard Corner Farm Drift Lane Barkston Lincolnshire NG32 2PZ Decision/Date 20th May 2024 – Application Granted
Application No: S24/0746 Date Received: 3rd May 2024 Applicant: Mr A Gardner Proposal: Proposed new timber garage/workshop. Location: Land Adjacent To Mossend 2 Hough Road Barkston Lincolnshire Decision/Date: 28th June 2024 – Application Granted
Application No: S24/0758 Date Received: 7th May 2024 Applicant: Sue Parry Proposal: Change of material to front facade of existing property from brickwork to render Location: 5 The Leas Barkston Lincolnshire NG32 2PD Decision/Date: 26th June 2024 – Application Granted
Land Station Road Barkston
The Paddock before the Picnic area on Station Road has had a new access way created, the field cleared of top Soil (destroying a badger set in the process). As soon as the PC was made aware of the situation, they contacted SKDC and LCC. SKDC responded the same day and spoke to the owner advising them that they did not have planning to do said works and requested works cease. They did however ask the owner to erect a gate to secure the sight as the PC ware concerned that the site would be used as a travelers site.
It is also understood that the owner was not aware that he had done anything wrong and was intending to submit an application for 2 bungalows.
Whilst gate posts have been erected no gate has been installed and the owners have now been removing the topsoil from the site and to date no application has been forthcoming.
The clerk has been updating the enforcement officer of the situation and requested what timeframe has been put on regulisation/enforcement etc and he has advised that he has contacted the owner for an update on application progress and will advise the clerk as soon as he has a response.
Note: the police are also involved in respect of the Destruction of the Badger Set.
PC to Continue to monitor and report to SKDC
6) Burial Ground
No issues at present – clerk to arrange 6 monthly Safety Check
7) Playing Field
S Micklewright reported that the playing field is in need of a new mower because the current mower is beyond economical repair. They are looking at obtaining grant funding to replace the Mower with a newer long-term replacement however in the meantime are looking to purchase a second-hand mower to tide them over which they can fund.
In respect of the long term replacement the playing field committee has asked if the PC would consider a financial contribution to the replacement in addition to any Grant funding. The PC Unanimously agreed that they are happy to support this but would need more details of funding and actual contributions required before full approva.
Concerns were also raised in respect of security issues with theft and vandalism and the PC suggested that additional cameras are considered on site.
The Clerk advised the meeting that the Insurance claim in respect of the stolen swing is still ongoing.
8) Picnic Area
The clerk has added the mowing of the picnic area to the regular maintenance schedule, the meeting agreed that it should be cut once a month to keep it tidy.
S Elnor raised concerns over the Ivy on the Bridge which reduced visibility when leaving the Picnic Area – Clerk to report to LCC
9) To Consider Information Board for The Village Green
S Micklewright suggested having an information board like the one in the picnic area on the village green giving information on the village for public and details of PC Website. Clerk to look at original costs of Picnic area board for consideration at next meeting.
10) Flood Defence Provision Update
S Micklewright advised the meeting that The Parish holds a stock of sand and sandbags at the Burial Ground. The stock is held secure with however has limited access and In discussion with a number of residents it was clear that few are aware of this provision and would not know how to access the stock if they required. Equally, it is unclear how the Parish Council would decide who should receive the limited stock if required. A search of the Environment Agency website, using NG32 2NB, shows that the risk of surface water flooding is ‘Medium’, defined as the area having a chance of flooding of between 1% and 3.3% each year.
SM Proposed that a plan is developed to ensure the parish has easy access to information providing details of who to contact if they are at risk or have flooding and review if the PC is best placed to hold the stocks of sand bags and if so, how they would be distributed should they be required.
The PC Unanimously agreed to the proposal which will be bought to a meeting later in the year for approval
11) South Kesteven Prosperity Fund.
S Micklewright advised the meeting that he had received very little interest from the village residents in relation to his advert for residents to register interest in volunteering for village events/projects which would make it difficult to run events such as a village show or Arts Festival however he was still looking at Funding for the following areas
Improvements to the playground and associated facilities at the Parish Playing Fields, including more and different equipment along with increased seating and picnic areas for families. Some reservation was expressed about installing a zip wire feature; a pyramid-style climbing frame was specifically suggested
Renovation of the Village Cricket Pavilion. Including a refurbishment of the changing rooms and improvements to the female/disabled WC; refresh of the kitchen by repair/replace doors, new equipment and crockery; redecoration; improved storage to store equipment;.
11) PC Communications to residents
The clerk advised that She was now on both the Barkston FB Group and Syston Whats App group.
The meeting discussed how best to ensure that all members of the parish know where and how to access PC information and communications.
It was agreed that the clerk would look at drafting a leaflet advising residents on when and where they can obtain information and updates for the next meeting.
12) Village Hall.
P Connor informed the meeting that The Village Hall Committee are looking at ways to market the village halls facilities. They are also looking to ensure the Hall is correctly registered with land registry.
13) Council Land & Garages West Street
S Elnor had received concerns over the state of the area in front of the garages on west Street and the land behind them being over grown.
It was agreed the clerk should contact SKDC to advise them of the issues and ascertain if there is anything that can be done to maintain the land.
14) Financial Matters:
A) Accounts paid and for payment:
Anglian Water £14.00
Grass Cutting Invoice 1527 £500.00
Fine Turf Machinery (mower repairs) £419.65
Lincs Gardening services (Burial Ground Hedge) £450.00
Grass Cutting Invoice 1554 £539.00
ABFS (Replacement Mower net amount to be repaid by PFC) £3060
B) Current Years income & Expenditure and Budget Position
The clerk advised that expenditure was currently in line with Budget
15) Any other business for discussion but not decision
Clerk to look at securing Auditor for next year’s accounts
Next meeting to be held on 09/09/2024 @ 8PM