January 2021 Minutes


2021 via videolink (Zoom) at 7.45pm




                                          Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair


Councillors A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, Miss M. Costall, S.T. Elnor, A. Hine, S.J.Kelly and A. Rowell.

Also present – County Councillor Ray Wootten (from 8.35pm).




           Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs S Evans (accepted for the purposes of

           an attendance), and District Councillors Mrs Rosemary Kaberry-Brown and Ian Stokes.          




           The minutes of the Zoom meeting held on 9th November 2020, a copy of which had been circulated

           to all Members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record, subject to it being noted in

           minute 2476 that Councillor Kelly was Secretary and not Chairman of the Playing Field Committee.




           There were none declared.




        (a) Update on matters previously raised


             Members considered the update circulated by the Clerk on 4th January, with reference to issues

             raised at the last meeting:             


1. Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street and The Stag corner – there was nothing further to

report in regard to the proposed works at The Stag corner.

The Minnetts Hill/Church Street area had not been cleared, and another request had been made.

Following recent flooding of the footpath in front of the Bedehouses, Councillor Costall had

been contacted by a local resident, expressing concern.This had been referred to Councillor

Wootten, and as a result and following a meeting on site, a works programme had been put

together for action in the next financial year to design a solution to cover both the area in front

of the Bedehouses, as well as the drains on Minnetts Hill.


          2. Hough Road, Barkston – remedial works had been completed in November.             


          3. River Lane, Syston – a forward programme brief had been submitted to cover both works to the

              existing surfaced area, and new surfacing from the last house to the river.             


         4. Parking provision, western end of West Street, Barkston – there had been considerable

             correspondence between Councillor Elnor, Councillor Wootten, LCC Highways and the local

             MP over the increased use of the area for leisure purposes, with the consequent damage to

             road verges.  Inconsiderate parking was also an issue including the use of the passing bays and

            Councillor Elnor’s farm drive, and blockage of access for farm vehicles.   LCC had been in contact

            with both the Parish Council and Councillor Wootten, to establish what immediate and long term

            action could be taken. 


           A lengthy discussion ensued, during which Councillor Elnor expressed concern that LCC were not

           fulfilling their obligations, particularly with the increasing use of the area caused by the Covid

           pandemic. The Clerk read an email from Councillor Wootten advising that he had been active in

           securing consideration of the issue by LCC via the ‘Councillor calls for Action’ procedure, explaining

           how this would work.  He suggested that the Council might wish to consider formally supporting this

           initiative, although the Chair had already given her support to enable the process to proceed.  It was

           suggested that the County Council really had no other option than to provide spaces, and after

           further discussion, it was agreed to support Councillor Wootten in the action he had taken.


          Members made further comments, and it was suggested that when the better weather arrived, the

          situation would likely be just as bad as at present, if not worse.  A query on priorities also arose,

          it being recalled that some time ago the Council had been asked to agree priorities for schemes

          they had requested, and that existing promised schemes should not be prejudiced.     


     5. Potholes – LCC had advised that issue had been completed.  However, Councillor Evans had

         reported that this was not the case.  It was agreed that the Clerk would again refer this to LCC.


     6. Damaged inspection cover, A607, Barkston – a BT inspection cover on the A607 opposite the Village

         Hall had become loose in its frame, and the surrounding surface was badly cracked and loose.  Despite

         two references to LCC via the online reporting system, and a further report by the Clerk, nothing had

         been done.  Following further concerns from a Parish Councillor, the Clerk had asked Councillor

         Wootten for advice as to how best to proceed.  As a result, Councillor Wootten had contacted BT

         direct and the area had eventually been protected by fencing and, later, by traffic lights.  Works to

         repair the damage had now been completed.


  (b) Speeding, A607, Barkston – Community Speedwatch Scheme


       The Clerk said that because of the current lockdown situation, the scheme had been paused



 (c) Parking issues – Church Street, Barkston


      The Clerk said that the formal decision to raise no objection to the proposed bus stop clearway

      proposals had been sent to LCC, although as nothing had been heard a reminder had been sent.  He

      updated the Council, and read an email setting out local concerns which had been received, together

      with the response from the County Council which was clear that the Clearways would be installed,

      although no date had been given.



      In regard to the bus vibration issue and setting off of car alarms, a reminder had been sent to LCC

      who had advised that the complainant had been told of the findings of the Parish Council’s survey, and

      that in the light of this, no further action would be taken.  Nothing had been heard from the resident.,





          Decisions on applications already reported:


              Discharge of condition 3 of planning application S20/0822, The Yews Barn, Church Street,

              Barkston – approved


         Following consultation, comments had been made on planning applications as follows:


             Single storey side extension to existing garage, Eagle House, Main Road, Barkston – no

             objection – subsequently approved




            Section 73 application for the variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of S16/0943 to allow

            for alterations to the design of the dwellings, 12 West Street, Barkston – no objection


           Tree 1, Sycamore – to reduce height by 6m, Tree 2, Sycamore – to reduce height by 6m,

           Moatlands, Church Lane, Syston – no objection


         For information, the Clerk advised that reference had been made to the SKDC Enforcement

         Section, firstly in relation to the stationing of a mobile home on land off Drift Lane, Barkston, on

         a site which had authority for the construction of a storage barn.   SKDC had advised that the

         building would be allowed to remain on site until work on the barn had been completed, when the     

         situation would be reviewed.


         Secondly, a similar reference had been made in regard to the use of Maple Grove, Syston, as a foot

         clinic, without permission.  SKDC’s view was that in view of the limited use, no action was

         necessary unless the use became problematic.




           No issues were raised, except that Councillors Card and Rowell reported that the plan to remove

          the self- set bush had not been carried out, owing to recent bad weather.            




          Councillor Kelly reported that the children’s play area had been inspected and the report filed by       

          the Clerk.  Molehills in the field had been dealt with by the Committee Chairman.  The electrical

          inspection had been completed, and minor remedial work carried out.  The Children’s Play Area

          was still open for use, and appropriate warnings had been displayed.  He intended to report to the

         next meeting prior to submission of the Charity Commission report.




          The Clerk reported that a quotation had been obtained for the trimming of the tree to the right of the

          entrance, in the sum of £70, and the tree had now been trimmed and branches removed.  There were

          no other issues to report.




          (a) Risk Policy


          The Clerk reminded members that although the main part of the risk policy had been agreed at the last

          meeting, it had been noted that although regular checks of the Children’s Play Area at the Playing

          Field were carried out, no such checks were undertaken on the remainder of the Playing Field.  It had

          been agreed that the Clerk and Councillor Kelly would liaise and report with a suitable amendment,

          if appropriate.


          Following a check by the Clerk, it appeared that there was, in fact, a risk policy for the Playing Field.

          Accordingly, he had discussed with Councillor Kelly, and it was recommended:

          (i) that the play equipment check interval be amended to three months, from the two currently stated;

          (ii) that the electrical check interval be confirmed at five years as stated, and that the period noted

                in the document as the last check be amended from 2012 to 2020; and

          (iii) that the remainder of the check periods stay at six month intervals.


          The amendments to the Risk Policy, as noted above, were agreed.




          (b) Appointment of Internal Auditor for 2020/21


           The Council confirmed the appointment of Mr John Jackson as the Internal Auditor for the year





          (a) Barkston Post Office – the Clerk reminded the Council that after discussion on the use of the

          St Nicholas Close Communal Room for the Outreach Post Office, it had agreed that the Clerk and

          Councillor Stokes would request SKDC to consider reopening the Communal Room to enable the

           facility to be reinstated.  The Clerk said that he had contacted the SKDC Cabinet Member responsible

           for housing, and had been advised that SKDC considered that at the present time the risk was too

           great to reopen any of the Communal Rooms.  Accordingly, the Parish Council’s request could not

           be agreed.  However, the situation was being reviewed regularly, and the Housing Manager could be

           contacted for updates at any time.  The Council asked the Clerk to ensure that an up to date report

           was submitted to the next meeting.         


          (b) Barkston Educational Foundation – the Clerk reminded members that consideration of a

           replacement for Mr John Jackson as the Parish Council’s representative on the Foundation had

           been deferred to this meeting.  The Chair said that she was willing to represent the Parish Council,

           and as there were no other nominations, it was agreed that she be appointed as the Council’s





          The Clerk told the Council that both the fly tip mentioned at the last meeting had been reported via

          the SKDC website, as had a further dumping of a fence panel/gate on Hough Road, Barkston.  

          None of these sites had been cleared, and in fact the tip of builder’s rubble on Frinkley Lane had

          grown.  The Clerk was asked to remind SKDC urgently, as it was considered that if tips were left too

          long, further illegal dumping would be encouraged.




           (a)  Financial update and budget 2021/22


                 The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and also the likely

                 financial position at the end of the current financial year, together with the budget report for



                 The Clerk then explained the accounts in detail with reference to the above circulated

                 documents, and took members through the recommendations for expenditure in the report, as

                 noted below.  The Council confirmed the Chair’s action in authorising expenditure on the Village

                 Green Christmas decorations, following which members made decisions as follows:


               (i) Clerk’s salary – the Clerk’s current hourly rate was the NALC pay scale point 21 (higher),

                    which was £13.78 per hour.  The NALC pay scale for 2021/2022 was yet to be published. A

                    rise of 1.5% in the interim would mean £13.99 per hour, times 49.5 (hours per quarter), times

                    4 (quarters per year), which equalled a yearly salary of £2770.  It was agreed to calculate the

                    Clerk’s salary on that basis. (Note: eventual salary could be different, when the NALC scales

                    are published, and would be back dated to April 2021).


              (ii) War Memorial – an annual increase of £100 would mean that £942 would be available. Agreed.


             (iii) Playing Field – 2020/21 figure of £3866 plus 1.5% = £3924.  Agreed.


             (iv) Picnic Area – a section 137 precept of £2000 to provide a reserve maintenance fund for any

                    additional costs.  Agreed.

             (v) Burial Ground – (a) a precept of £3000 to cover estimated excess expenditure, plus a small

                   float. Agreed.

                   (b) Review of fees – required to be reviewed every 4 years (last done in 2017).  Consideration

                   was given to a report from the Clerk, circulated to members with a copy of the current scale

                   of charges, in which it was recommended that certain charges be reviewed, these being those

                   most frequently imposed.  Inflation from 2017 to April 2021 estimated at 7.5% would result in

                   proposed new charges of:

                              Adult interments - £110; Ashes interments - £25; Headstones - £110;

                              Exclusive rights – single plot - £100; double plot - £200; ashes - £50.

                              All other charges unchanged.

                  All charges as noted above agreed, to operate from 1st April 2021.


           (vi) Christmas decorations – Village Green – provisional allocation of £100 should the event be

                  repeated.  Agreed.


          (vii) General Fund – A precept of £3476, to approximate 2020/21 levels.  Agreed.


          Two quotations for mowing for the forthcoming year were reported, and it was agreed to accept the

          figure of £220 per cut from BDG Mowing, the current contractors.


         The Clerk asked members to note that adoption of all the recommendations in the report would

         require a precept of £12,500, compared to last year’s precept of £12,750, and the fifth reduction in

         a row.  There were 247.6 Band D properties, meaning that the Community Charge Band for 2021/22

         would be £50.48, a 1.3% reduction.


         It was agreed to precept for £12,500 – General Fund £3476; Section 137 - £2000; Burial Ground –

         £3000; Playing Field - £3924; War Memorial £100; for the financial year 2021/22.


  (b)  Accounts paid and for payment




                That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):   



          BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – September)                          203.00

          Anglian Water Business (Supply 12.5.20 – 11.11.20)                        25.34

          Lincolnshire County Council (Legal fees re picnic area)                104.99

          Rachel Metcalfe (Paint for Village Green decorations)                    99.00

          Paul Johnson (Tree trimming – picnic area)                                     70.00




          In response to a query about the current position with regard to improvements to the proposed

          Quarry at Sudbrook, Councillor Wootten said that it was proposed to create passing places and                   

          improve the road from the site’s entrance to the A153.


         Councillor Wootten said that at a recent meeting of the Police and Crime Panel, the new Chief

         Constable had expressed a wish to meet with Parish Councils to discuss matters of local concern,

         and he suggested that the Council might submit a request for a meeting, possibly jointly with other

         Councils in the area.  This was agreed and the Clerk was asked to arrange.