September 2021 Minutes

AT A MEETING of the BARKSTON AND SYSTON PARISH COUNCIL held in the Village Hall, Barkston, on Monday 13th September 2021 at 7.45 pm


Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, Miss M. Costall, A. Hine, S.J. Kelly and A. Rowell.

Prior to commencing the business of the meeting, the Chair referred to the recent and sad death of Councillor Sue Evans.  She said that Cllr Evans had been a member of the Parish Council since March 2009, and had been a steadfast member, who always did her best for the local community.  A Memorial Service was to be held on the 21st September, and it was agreed that the Parish Council would make a donation in her memory.  Those present stood in silent tribute. 


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Elnor, which were accepted for the purposes of an attendance, and from District Councillor Ian Stokes and County Councillor Ray Wootten.  


The minutes of the meeting held on 12th July 2021, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


There were none declared.


The Clerk advised that following the death of Councillor Evans, a notice would be published (after the funeral) giving 14 days for any 10 local electors, for Barkston, to claim an election to the District Council.  If an election was not claimed then the Parish Council could co-opt at the next meeting.


(a) Update on matters previously raised

Members considered the update circulated by the Clerk on 3rd September, with reference to issues raised at the last meeting:             

1. Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street and The Stag corner – nothing further to report in respect of either area, but it was noted that works at both areas were programmed for the current financial year.  The Clerk was asked to contact the County Council to establish when these works would start.                

2. Parking provision, western end of West Street, Barkston – the Clerk said that there was nothing further to report since the last meeting, and Councillor Wootten, who he had hoped would be able to update the Council following the Highways Committee meeting, was unable to attend the Parish Council meeting.  It was noted, however, that some signage work had been carried out. Clerk to ask Councillor Wootten for an update. 

3. Footpath from River Lane, Syston to Station Road, Barkston – path now cut and clear.

4. A607 – overgrown trees/bushes – the Clerk reported that the Area Surveyor had met the Tree Officer who had suggested some pruning and removal of two trees due to the angle they were growing at. Most of the growth was not, however, seen as an issue.  Once the formal recommendations were received, it was intended to contact tree surgeons to carry out the work, hopefully within the next two months. 

5. Overgrown vegetation, The Drift, Syston – hedge now cut back, and path clear.

6. Blocked path/road from Main Street to A607, Syston – this is the short path from Main Street to the A607, running just to the south of West Lodge, providing a safe route to the A607 and Syston Park. The blockage had been reported via Fixmystreet.

7. Grantham Transport Strategy – details of workshops to be held had been circulated to members, but there had been no interest.  Drop-in sessions had also been planned.

8. Hedge – Council bungalows, West Street, Barkston – Clerk asked to remind SKDC that a request had been sent for the overgrown hedge fronting West Street, which was currently blocking the path, to be cut back.   

(b) Speeding, A607, Barkston – Community Speedwatch Scheme

No speed checks had been undertaken since the last meeting, but a familiarisation session was being organised for all volunteers during the last week in September.

(c) Parking issues – Church Street, Barkston

The Clerk informed the Council that the proposed Bus Stop Clearway Order proposed for Church Street was approved at the County Council’s Planning and Regulation Committee on 6th September.  Work to actually implement the Committee decision would shortly start.

Decisions on applications already reported:

Non-material amendment to planning approval S21/0427 to change approved materials, 1 The Leas, Barkston – approved

Proposed drop kerb to form new vehicular access at front of dwelling, Tagmoor, Main Road, Barkston – refused (Clerk to request enforcement action via SKDC)

Minor material application to vary condition 2 of planning permission reference S18/0584 to amend design of unit B, 12 West Street, Barkston – approved
Use of land for dog exercising/training, 1.8m high fence and parking area, Land north of The Leas, Barkston – approved (conditions read by the Clerk)

Following consultation, comments had been made on planning applications as follows:      

Retention of fire suppression equipment, New Earth Solutions (West) Ltd., Copper Hill Industrial Estate, Ermine Street, Ancaster (consulted as a neighbouring authority) – no objection – subsequently approved

Felling and other work to trees, Holly Lodge, Church Street, Barkston – no objection

Following the refusal of the application for a lodge type mobile home on land off Drift Lane, Barkston, the applicant had appealed.  Details of the relevant dates were awaited, and the Clerk said that he would notify members in due course. 


Nothing to report.


Councillor Kelly reported that the dropped kerb at the pedestrian access had been completed, and that a bench to replace an existing one in poor condition had been received and would be installed shortly.


The Clerk told members that the start date for the work at the picnic area was still on for early to mid – October.  The height barrier for the entrance was being made, and arrangements had been made for the wooden sign to be altered.  A request had been sent to LCC for trees to be planted within the area.

2543. TREES

The Council gave further consideration to the County Council’s request for all parishes to consider enhanced tree planting within their areas, details of which had been circulated to all members, the discussion in minute 2542 above.  The Clerk gave further details of where trees had been requested by members, and it was suggested that trees were not required for The Drift, Syston, and that consideration be given to the types of trees, if any, for the picnic area.  The Clerk suggested that as the requests had not yet been finalised by the County Council, parishes may not receive all the trees requested.  Councillors to be kept advised.

(a) Barkston Post Office – the Clerk reported that the Post Office had finally re-opened in the St Nicholas Close Community Room, on similar timings as before the closure.

(b) LALC Circular 176 – previously circulated via email.

(c) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – the Clerk reported that the owner of the site for the beacon to be lit on 2nd June 2022 had agreed.  Pageant Master had been informed, and the site had been included on the national list.  Detailed arrangements and publicity would be organised nearer the date.


The Vice-Chairman told the Council of his concerns that litter bins within the Parish, specifically those within the Playing Field, and the dog waste bin outside the Burial Ground, were not emptied by the District Council, whereas they were within other neighbouring authorities.  The Clerk had made enquiries of SKDC and had established that they had had to reduce the number of bins that were emptied throughout the District, but could empty the Playing Field bins if another litter used bin was removed.  For similar reasons, SKDC could not empty the dog waste bin, although they had suggested that EnvironmentSK might be able to carry this out.

Some discussion took place and the Clerk was asked to go back to SKDC with a request for the location of all existing bins, with a view to removing one, if little used, and replacing with the Playing Field bins, and to ensure that this was considered at the next meeting.


(a)  Financial update

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members.

(b)  Accounts paid and for payment


That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):    

BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – June) 440.00
BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – July) 220.00
Lincolnshire Gardening Services (Hedge – Burial Ground) 370.00
Lincs. Association of Local Councils (Website maintenance) 126.00
Anglian Water Business (Supply 12.5.21-12.8.21) 13.53
Gonerby Moor Construction (Dropped kerb-Playing Field) 250.00
H M Revenue and Customs (Clerk’s PAYE) 277.00

Note 1 – this payment was over the Clerk’s £500 limit, and was in any event a large payment to the Clerk himself.  Authorised in the agreed manner.


Councillor Hine raised an issue with a fault which had, apparently, occurred with the Syston defibrillator, and that this had been raised with the Clerk to request an answer from the supplier, the Community Heartbeat Trust.  This had been done, prior to the meeting, but the reply received was considered to be unsatisfactory, bearing in mind that a maintenance fee was paid annually.

An issue was raised in regard to the Barkston unit, which had apparently been removed from the cabinet without authorisation for a demonstration in the school.  Clerk to establish what had happened and report to the next meeting.