November 2021 Minutes

AT A MEETING of the BARKSTON AND SYSTON PARISH COUNCIL held in the Village Hall, Barkston, on Monday 8th November 2021 at 7.45 pm


Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, Miss M. Costall, S.T. Elnor, A. Hine, S.J. Kelly and A. Rowell.

The Chair advised the Council that the Clerk was unable to attend, having tested positive for Covid, but that Mr C. Morgan, the Clerk to Belton & Manthorpe Parish Council had, at the last minute, agreed to step in to assist as Acting Clerk.  This was unanimously agreed.


A member of the public raised the issue of blocked drains on Thorold Gardens which, in periods of heavy rain, could not cope, and flooded.  The Clerk was asked to report this to the Highway Authority.   


Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor Ray Wootten.  


The minutes of the meeting held on 13th September 2021, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


There were none declared.


The Acting Clerk advised that following publication of the appropriate notice, an election had not been requested, and the Council were now free to co-opt a replacement Councillor. One resident had expressed an interest but was not sure what was involved.  The Chair explained the responsibilities and expectations, and after a short discussion it was agreed to defer further consideration to the end of the meeting.  


(a) Update on matters previously raised

Members considered the update circulated by the Clerk on 2nd November, with reference to issues raised at the last meeting:             

1. Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street and The Stag corner – the Local Highways Manager had advised that it was expected that the works at The Stag corner were due sometime before Christmas.  Delays had occurred as other jobs had overrun.

In regard to Minnetts Hill/Church Street, this scheme was still on the list for the current financial year.  However, given the size of the scheme, this would be led by what happened over winter, in terms of how bad the weather was and the resources available during the day.  A shortage of drivers, and their use also as gritter drivers, could reduce availability.  The use of third party resources was being considered.

There was concern at the flooding in the above two areas, and in particular at The Stag corner.  It was noted that the works in this area had been identified as to be carried out by LCC, and it was agreed that if these works were not carried out by December, then the Parish Council should consider taking the matter further.               
2. Parking provision, western end of West Street, Barkston – the Clerk said that again there was nothing further to report since the last meeting, and Councillor Wootten, who he had hoped would be able to update the Council following the Highways Committee meeting, was unable to attend the Parish Council meeting.  Clerk to ask Councillor Wootten for an update. 

3. A607 – overgrown trees/bushes – there was nothing further to report, and the works, which were promised within two months at the last meeting, had not been carried out.  Clerk to remind the Local Highways Manager.

4. Blocked path/road from Main Street to A607, Syston – this is the short path from Main Street to the A607, running just to the south of West Lodge, providing a safe route to the A607 and Syston Park. The blockage had been reported via Fixmystreet, but nothing had been done, and the Clerk was asked to send an appropriate reminder. 

5. Hedge – Council bungalows, West Street, Barkston – the hedge had been inspected and was on a list for cutting.  The adjoining path was not blocked.

6. Grit Bin, Minnetts Hill, Barkston – the dilapidated state of this bin had been reported to the Clerk, together with the fact that it was obscured by undergrowth.  This had been reported to the County Council, who had advised that the bin would be replaced and vegetation removed.

7. Road edges, Hough Road (near railway bridge), Barkston – it was suggested that the road edges at this location needed stoning again, and the Clerk was asked to refer this to the County Council.

8. Street Lights – Hough Road, Barkston – it was mentioned that two lights were not working, and that this would be reported to SKDC.

9. Potholes – it was noted that a number of potholes in the villages had been repaired, and thanks were expressed to Councillor Wootten for progressing this matter.

(b) Speeding, A607, Barkston – Community Speedwatch Scheme

The familiarisation session organised for all volunteers during the last week in September had been over two days, when volunteers had had the opportunity to operate the system in a ‘live’ situation. This had been successful, and volunteers were appreciative of the opportunity.  Both Parish Clerks were of the opinion that future checks should be volunteer led, and not directly organised by them, and this had resulted in Barkston based volunteers being in the process of organising checks in the near future.


Decisions on applications already reported:     
Felling and other work to trees, Holly Lodge, Church Street, Barkston – approved

Application to discharge conditions 2, 3 and 6 attached to planning permission S21/0916, 12 West Street, Barkston – approved (no consultation on this application prior to decision)

Following the refusal of the application for a lodge type mobile home on land off Drift Lane, Barkston, the applicant had appealed, and although the Clerk had been advised that the appeal had been withdrawn, this had not been confirmed.  Members expressed concern that the static van was still on site, although there seemed to be no valid reason.  Clerk to obtain further information from SKDC.

Similar concern was expressed in regard to the situation at Tagmoor on the Main Road at Barkston, where the access development had taken place, although the application had been refused.  Clerk to ask SKDC for an update.                


Nothing to report.


Councillor Kelly reported that the replacement bench had now been installed, but the clearance of rough areas of grass and bushes was still outstanding.    

Members were advised that the work was now almost completed, the only outstanding areas being the clearance of rough grass/bushes and the refurbishment of the sign.  A quotation was being sought for the clearance work, and the sign was in the process of being altered.


The Council reviewed the Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Risk Assessment, Audit Plan and Planning Policy.  No changes had been made since the November 2020 meeting or in the case of the Risk Assessment since the January 2021 meeting, when amendments had been agreed.  The Council confirmed agreement with the policies as listed above.  

The Council confirmed the appointment of Mr John Jackson as Internal Auditor for the year 2021/22.


It was noted that all correspondence had been circulated by the Clerk for noting/action as appropriate.
2559. TREES

The Acting Clerk read details from emails from the LCC Arboricultural Officer in connection with the planting of trees, which had been discussed at the last meeting.  A general discussion took place, especially in regard to the ‘locations’ mentioned, as it was not clear where they were.  The Council were reminded by a member that it had especially been agreed that no further trees were required in The Drift, Syston, only the Picnic Area.  Clerk to clarify and advise members.


The Acting Clerk reported on an email from SKDC listing the litter bins within the parishes that were emptied.  It was noted that SKDC had already advised that they would not be able to add another bin, but could empty the bin at the Playing Field and/or the dog waste bin if one already on the schedule was removed.  SKDC had advised that the bins were usually full, mainly owing to use by dog walkers, and that it might not be a good idea to move any.  Following a discussion it was felt that the bin near the phone box could be moved, although as the email was unclear, the Clerk to ask for clarification.


The risk inspection had been carried out on the 5th November.  No issues were found which required action.

Further to the discussion at the last meeting in regard to the content of the maintenance cover, the the Acting Clerk explained what was actually covered, and members were happy with this.  

The Council were reminded that the unit at the School had recently been removed as part of a first aid class, when the Instructor had shown the children the actual defibrillator.  No satisfactory answer had been received as to why this had happened.  Clerk to contact the School for an answer. 


(a)  Financial update

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members.

(b)  Accounts paid and for payment


That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):    
BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – August)                                   440.00
M L Hall (Half year salary)                        1108.01  Note 1
BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – October)                                 220.00
jpr Maintenance & Contracting (Height barrier for picnic area)      465.00

Note 1 – this payment was over the Clerk’s £500 limit, and was in any event a large payment to the Clerk himself.  Authorised in the agreed manner.  This was not included in the minutes of the meeting on 13th September, in error.

The Council were reminded that the next meeting was the budget meeting and that any items, which should be costed, should be sent to the Clerk by 31st December                      


A member asked about the current position with one of the District Councillors covering Barkston, as he was apparently suspended, and enquired who was covering the role.  The Acting Clerk explained that the Councillor was only suspended from the local party, pending an inquiry, and that Councillors would be advised as and when the situation had been clarified. 


The Council gave further consideration to the vacancy for a Councillor for Barkston, which had been considered earlier in the meeting under minute 2551.  Colin Pell was proposed and seconded. There being no further nominations, Mr Pell was declared elected.  The declaration of acceptance of office was signed, and the Chair welcomed Councillor Pell to the Parish Council.