May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting


Clerk: Mr M. L. Hall
32 Gorse Road
NG31 9LQ
Tel: 01476 566984

AT THE ANNUAL MEETING of the BARKSTON AND SYSTON PARISH COUNCIL held in the Village Hall, Barkston, on Monday 24th May 2021 immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting


Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, Miss M. Costall, S.T. Elnor, A. Hine, S.J. Kelly and A. Rowell. Also present – District Councillor Ian Stokes.



That Councillor Miss M. E. Nussey be elected Chairman for the ensuing year.

It was agreed that Councillor Miss Nussey would sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman at a later date.



That Councillor A. C. Card be elected Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.


Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor Ray Wootten and District Councillor Mrs Rosemary Kaberry-Brown.

The Chair told members that Councillor Sue Evans was currently in a nursing home, and was unlikely to be able to continue to act as a Parish Councillor. She was a loyal member of the Council and always had the interests of the villages at heart. Members expressed sadness at the news, and asked that the Clerk write expressing the Council’s best wishes for the future. The Clerk gave brief information on the procedure for dealing with any eventual vacancy.


The minutes of the Zoom meeting held on 8th March 2021, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


There were none declared. 2515. ROADS AND FOOTPATHS

(a)   Update on matters previously raised

Members considered the update circulated by the Clerk on 15th May, with reference to issues raised at the last meeting:

1.   Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street and The Stag corner – nothing further to report in respect of the Minnetts Hill/Church Street area, except that LCC are looking at a scheme to include
the area in front of the Bedehouses.

In regard to The Stag corner, this has been confirmed by LCC as to be done this financial year. As a start levels will be taken to ensure that any additional gullies are placed at the low points/correct locations. This work was programmed for the middle of April, following which the works would be ordered.

Linked to the area at The Stag corner was the issue raised at the last meeting in regard to the dyke adjoining the A607, opposite the Village Hall, where it was suggested that water from this dyke contributed to the flooding at The Stag corner. LCC had now confirmed that this dyke was in fact owned by them, and they would be looking into what work could be done, related to the works at The Stag corner.

2.   Parking provision, western end of West Street, Barkston – the Clerk reminded members that, following Councillor Wootten’s success in his ‘Councillor calls for action’ bid, it had been  decided that the issue would proceed to a further investigation by officers into a workable scheme. Because of the proximity of the May County Council elections, this could not be started, but would start soon afterwards. Councillor Wootten to be asked for an update.

The Clerk reminded the Council that a letter from a local resident in relation to various issues connected to the parking problem had been received and circulated in his report to the March meeting. Although it had been agreed that the matters raised in the letter would best be considered along with the report on proposals to provide the parking, when the report from LCC had been received, one of the issues related to the need for a litter bin and dog waste bin. SKDC had advised that they would not be able to provide these, but if provided by the Parish Council, would collect  the waste from the village. For the information of the Council, the Clerk gave advice on the price  of both types of bins. It was considered that as the littering was spread over a wide area, users would be unlikely to carry litter to a bin sited perhaps near the parking area, and that therefore a bin would not solve the problem.

3.   Highway priorities – the Clerk reminded members that following the discussion at the last meeting, a list of priorities had been circulated for comment, to enable Councillor Wootten to discuss them with the Area Surveyor. The list was:
1.   The drainage issues at The Stag corner (THE priority);
2.   Bedehouses grass verge/Minnetts Hill drainage and surfacing;
3.   West Street parking (this is considered to be ‘ring fenced’, i.e. not to be considered as a listed priority in view of the way LCC are considering action).

Other issues on the list were:

1.   Potholes on Minnetts Hill (to be dealt with when 2 above was addressed);
2.   Church Street Bus Stop Clearway (Traffic Order out for decision by LCC, so not really a priority);
3.   Dyke opposite Village Hall (part of number 1 in the first list);
4.   River Lane, Syston – brief for proposed works being considered.

The Area Surveyor had said that the first two would be dealt with during this financial year. West Street parking was being addressed by another department and he was not aware of the Minnetts Hill potholes (subsequently reported as being repaired). The Church Street bus stop situation was in progress and the dyke issue would be considered alongside The Stag drainage.

4.   Grit Bin, Station Road, Barkston – now in place.

5.   Handrails, Church Street footpath near War Memorial, Barkston – it had been suggested that consideration be given to the provision of handrails along the side of this path in view of the slope to the road, but this was withdrawn, and no further action agreed.

(b)   Speeding, A607, Barkston – Community Speedwatch Scheme
The Clerk said that the RSP had advised that Speedwatch activities could resume as from 17th May. It was, however, recognised that further training would need to be organised, either for new volunteers, or refresher. Training was now available, mostly via ‘Zoom’ and the remaining volunteers had all been offered one of the sessions. Unfortunately, owing to changes in circumstances, a number of the volunteers had now said that they were unavailable, and it was recommenced that a further call for volunteers be made, by publicity in ‘In Touch’, noticeboards and flyers posted through doors. Belton and Manthorpe had indicated that they would do something similar. This was agreed.

(c)   Parking issues – Church Street, Barkston

The Clerk said that the Traffic Regulation team had completed a report on objections received, which would be submitted to the Planning and Regulation Committee in June.


Decisions on applications already reported:

Demolition of single storey outbuildings, erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension, West View, 34 Hough Road, Barkston – approved

Two storey rear extension and replacement front porch, 56 West Street, Barkston – 56 West Street, Barkston – approved

Two applications had been notified as approved, but the Parish Council had not been consulted: Proposed low voltage overhead lines work, Adj. The Lodge, Hough Road, Barkston Portal framed building for the purpose of an enclosed dog water gym facility, The Bungalow, Barkston Heath, Barkston

Following consultation, comments had been made on planning applications as follows:

Proposed drop kerb to form new vehicular access at front of dwelling, Tagmoor, Main Road, Barkston - objection

Formation of solid recovered fuel bale storage areas, New Earth Solutions (West) Ltd., Copper Hill Industrial Estate, Ermine Street, Barkston Heath (LCC application, Parish Council   consulted as a neighbouring authority on this and the next following application) – no objection – subsequently approved

To vary condition 4 of planning permission N74/1580/16, to increase the height of externally stacked bales of solid recovered fuel from 4 to 4.5 metres, New Earth Solutions (West) Ltd., Copper Hill Industrial Estate, Ermine Street, Barkston Heath – no objection – subsequently approved

Demolition of conservatory and car port, erection of single storey side and rear extension along with further alterations to the dwelling, 1 The Leas, Barkston – no objection – subsequently approved Erection of bungalow, Land adj. to 2 Hough Road, Barkston – no objection – subsequently approved

Erection of single storey rear extension and to clad the existing brick garage and erection of timber carport, East House, Honington Road, Barkston – no objection

SKDC had referred reviews of the Supplementary Planning Document and Statement of Community Involvement to the Parish Council for comment. Details had been circulated to members but no comment had been received, and SKDC had been advised accordingly.
Discussion took place on the outstanding application for a dwelling at the site off Drift Lane, Barkston, and District Councillor Stokes advised that the application would be submitted to the Planning Committee, when a Parish Council representative would be able to speak.


There was nothing to report in connection with the Burial Ground itself, but the Clerk told the Council that the Register of Burials, which had been in use since 1926, had only 20 spaces remaining for recording interments. A new Register was available from a recognised local government publisher at a cost of £187. However, this Register had adequate space for recording interments in the remaining unused part of the Burial Ground. After discussion, the Clerk was asked to look into the legality of recording future interments digitally, and to report to the next meeting.


Councillor Kelly reported that he had completed the most recent visual inspection on 10th April, with no significant issues being noticed. He also reported that the Annual General Meeting would be held on the 27th May.

The Clerk reported two quotations for the provision of the dropped kerb to the pedestrian gate. It was agreed to accept the lowest price, in the sum of £250, from Gonerby Moor Construction. A discussion took place on the funding of the proposal, and District Councillor Stokes suggested that consideration could be given to funding it via the SKDC Community Fund, to be discussed later in the meeting. This was agreed and consideration was therefore deferred.


The Clerk reminded members of the brief history to the quotation which had been received for the works at the picnic area, and said that he had been advised by the approved contractor that the quotation would have to be revised owing to the increased cost of materials. A revised quotation had been submitted, to include the cost of erecting the height barrier, in the total sum of £6,600.

The Council considered the revised quotation and agreed to accept it, subject to a firm date being given for the completion of the work, this being as soon as practicable.


(a)   LALC Circular 175, previously circulated via email, was noted.

(b)   Barkston Post Office – the Clerk reported that contact had been made with the Post Office, who had in turn been in contact with SKDC to discuss arrangements around the re-opening of the Communal Room for the Outreach Post Office facility. The Post Office had, at SKDC’s request, submitted a Health and Safety Risk Assessment, which was now being considered by the Council’s own Health and Safety Officer. In addition, SKDC were following Government guidelines, and were intending, subject to any last minute alterations, to re-open on or shortly after, the 21st June. Members noted the situation.

(c)   SKDC Community Fund – details of the SKDC Community Fund had been sent at the instigation of Councillor Ian Stokes, and had been forwarded on to members to enable them to give  consideration to any projects that might qualify for a grant under the scheme. Three suggestions had been made, as follows:

1.   Picnic table for the picnic area;
2.   CCTV covering parts of Syston;
3.   An information board for the picnic area.

In addition to the three listed above, members considered the provision of a dropped kerb at the Playing Field pedestrian entrance (see minute 2518 above).
The Clerk said that he had been advised by the scheme administrator that consideration would most likely not be given to a grant for the picnic table, as one had already been funded via the Ward Member grant scheme. It was therefore agreed to take no further action on this suggestion and, after further consideration, to take no further action on the CCTV suggestion.

The Council instructed the Clerk to submit an application for the dropped kerb at the Playing Field to be funded, following a price being obtained for the appropriate licence from LCC. The Clerk was further requested to cost the provision of an information board and report to the next Meeting, with a view to submitting a further application in a later grant round.


The inspection had been carried out on 11th May. No issues had been found which required attention from a safety point of view.


(a)   Financial update

The Council received and noted the financial updates for the period ending 31st March 2021, and so far for 2021/22, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members.

(b)   Annual Audit for 2020/2021

The Clerk told members that the audit regime introduced last year, whereby the Council could certify itself as exempt from a limited assurance review if the higher of the Council’s income or expenditure did not exceed £25,000 was continuing. The Council was within these limits, and the Clerk therefore recommended that the Council certify itself as exempt. The appropriate form   had been circulated to members prior to the meeting to help discussion.

Also circulated to members were the Annual Governance Statement for 2020/21, and the Accounting Statements for 2020/21. The Clerk explained the elements requiring consideration, and members also took into account the Annual Internal Audit Report, which was read by the Clerk, noting that the Auditor had concluded that all the required objectives had been achieved throughout the financial year, together with the Clerk’s report referred to above. Having considered the reports and circulated documents, the Council

(i)   agreed to certify the Parish Council as exempt from a limited assurance review;

(ii)   acknowledged and agreed the Annual Governance Statement for 2020/21 as circulated; and

(iii)   acknowledged and agreed the Accounting Statements for 2020/21 as circulated.

(c)   Parish Council insurance

The Clerk reported that the current 5 year Long Term Agreement with the Council’s insurers was due to end on 31st May. The insurers (Zurich) had offered a series of options, ranging from one year, to three and five year long term agreements. Details of the various premiums were given, and it was agreed to renew with Zurich on a five year Long Term Agreement basis.

(d)   Accounts paid and for payment


(i)   That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):
M L Hall (Half year salary)   1091.42
H M Revenue & Customs (Clerk’s PAYE)   272.80
M L Hall (Expenses 20/21)   301.72
Community Heartbeat Trust (Service agreement 21/22)   302.40
BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – March)   220.00
BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – April)   440.00
Anglian Water Business (Supply 12.2.21 – 12.5.21)   13.00

(ii)   That the following account now submitted be approved for payment:

Barkston & Syston Village Hall (Hire for meetings 2021/22)   60.00