July 2021 Minutes

AT A MEETING of the BARKSTON AND SYSTON PARISH COUNCIL held in the Village Hall, Barkston, on Monday 12th July 2021 at 7.45 pm


Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, Miss M. Costall, S.T. Elnor, A. Hine, S.J. Kelly and A. Rowell.

Also present – District Councillor Ian Stokes and County Councillor Ray Wootten


Apologies for absence were received from District Councillor Mrs Rosemary Kaberry-Brown.  

The Chair told members that she had asked the Clerk to send some flowers to Councillor Sue Evans on the occasion of her birthday recently.  The Clerk said that he had written with best wishes, and had received an acknowledgement from Councillor Evans’ friend. 


The minutes of the meeting held on 24th May 2021, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


There were none declared.


(a) Update on matters previously raised

Members considered the update circulated by the Clerk on 5th July, with reference to issues raised at the last meeting:  

1. Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street and The Stag corner – nothing further to report in respect of either area.  Works at both areas were programmed for the current financial year, which was confirmed by Councillor Wootten

2. Parking provision, western end of West Street, Barkston – the Clerk said that there was nothing further to report since the last meeting.  However, Councillor Wootten said that he had only received information on proposed action last Friday, which suggested ‘T’ bar type road markings on West Street, together with appropriate signage.  The Parish Council considered that this was unacceptable.  Councillor Wootten agreed, and said that he had spoken to the Highways Committee Chairman, and also would attend the meeting of that Committee on 19th July, when he intended to stress the unacceptable nature of the officers’ proposals.  A suggestion that yellow lines might be considered was dismissed, as being inappropriate in such a rural area.

3. Blocked drain, West Street, Barkston – a request had been received from a resident for action to be taken in respect of a frequently blocked drain in the area of number 20.  The blockages had been reported on several occasions, and the gullies had been cleared but the flooding had re-occurred.  This had been reported to LCC by the Clerk, and Highways had investigated and found that the gully covers were jammed.  They had proposed to get the covers open and clear the gullies or install new gullies.  An order had been raised, but because of other work, this could take several weeks to implement.  The resident had been advised and was happy with the action proposed. 

4. Footpath from River Lane, Syston to Station Road, Barkston – it had been reported that this path, alongside the river, was overgrown.  The Clerk had passed this on to the Countryside Section, who had advised that the path was on the seasonal maintenance schedule, to be cut three times per year.

The first cut had taken place in May, and the second was due now.  Current weather conditions had led to schedule delays, and the Council were asked to advise LCC if the route hadn’t been cut within two weeks.   

5. A607 – overgrown trees/bushes – a request had been received for LCC to cut back trees/bushes on the stretch from West Lodge, Syston to the northern exit from Syston, as the vegetation was catching large passing vehicles, and was considered potentially dangerous.  This had been reported to Highways, who were arranging a site visit with the Tree Officer, to programme a plan of action.

6. Overgrown vegetation, The Drift, Syston – the Clerk reported that he had received complaints regarding vegetation/hedges overgrowing the path on The Drift.  This had been reported to LCC via Fixmystreet.  

(b) Speeding, A607, Barkston – Community Speedwatch Scheme

The Clerk said that Speedwatch activities had resumed in a number of local villages. As agreed at the last meeting, posters had been placed throughout the villages, and in ‘In Touch’.  In the Barkston/Belton & Manthorpe Partnership, volunteers had attended one of a number of online training sessions, following which a ‘trial’ of the working system had been arranged.  Unfortunately bad weather had led to cancellation, but volunteers had met in the Village Hall and discussed practical issues associated with the actual Speedwatch checks.  Since the recent publicity, two more volunteers had joined the Group.  For information, Councillor Wootten gave information on current road usage speeding offences in the locality. 

(c) Parking issues – Church Street, Barkston

The Clerk said that the report on objections received, had not been submitted to the Planning and Regulation Committee in June, as had been promised, but would be considered at the September meeting.

Decisions on applications already reported:
Erection of single storey rear extension, to clad the existing brick garage and erection of timber carport, East House, Honington Road, Barkston – approved

Dwelling within the Caravan Act Regulations, with garden area, Land to the east of Drift Lane, Barkston – refused  -  Clerk to request appropriate enforcement action

One application had been notified as approved, but the Parish Council had not been directly consulted.  This application was not subject to the usual method of consultation, and was classified as a ‘Determination as to whether the prior approval of details is required’, which type of application was not required to be notified directly to the relevant Parish Council.  The application was:

New wooden barn, Drift Lane, Barkston

Following consultation, comments had been made on planning applications as follows:

Minor material application to vary condition 2 of planning permission reference S18/0584 to amend design of unit B, 12 West Street, Barkston – no objection

Use of land for dog exercising/training, 1.8m high fence and parking area, Land north of The Leas, Barkston – no objection but reservations expressed


The Clerk reported that he had looked into the legality of recording future interments digitally, and that there would be no problem with keeping the register this way.  There was a commercially available programme available for £29 per month, but the Clerk suggested that this was unnecessary, and that a simple digital spreadsheet to record the present hardcopy would suffice, when required, as the current register had space for 20 entries.  The Council agreed with the Clerk’s suggestion.


Councillor Kelly reported that the AGM had been held recently, and the accounts had been passed.  The regular safety inspections had been completed, as had the fire extinguisher annual check.  The mower had needed extensive repairs and was now working properly. 

The Clerk reminded the Council that it had been agreed, at the last meeting, to apply for funding for the dropped kerb to the pedestrian gate from the SKDC Community Fund.  However, initial enquiries had established that the application was unlikely to succeed, as the criteria for funding could not be met.  

The Clerk reported that he had met a Highways Department representative on site, following which a letter of approval had been received with confirmation that there would be no fee for the licence.  It was agreed that the provision of the kerb be proceeded with, funded directly by the Parish Council.   


The Clerk told members that the contractor for the work at the picnic area had advised that a likely start date for the work was early to mid – October.

Consideration was then given to the provision of an information board, as had been discussed at the last meeting, and the Clerk gave information on prices which had been obtained for various designs.  Ideas for the content of the board were discussed, together with suggestions that the board could be sponsored by local businesses.  It was agreed that the Clerk would check with SKDC as to whether the board could be funded from the Community Fund, and to ensure that funding for the balance of the cost was considered at the budget meeting in January 2022.    

(a) Barkston Post Office – the Clerk reported that nothing had been received from SKDC in regard to the opening of the Communal Room, and reinstatement of the Outreach Post Office since the last meeting, although reminders had been sent.  It was agreed that SKDC be asked to state their position on the re-opening and return of the Post Office facility at the earliest opportunity.

(b) SKDC Community Fund – consideration of applications under the Community Fund scheme had been given under minutes 2529 and 2530, and no further action was taken.

(c) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – the Clerk reported that information had been received in relation to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, to be held from 2nd-5th June 2022, specifically in regard to the lighting of as beacon on 2nd June, as had happened at the Diamond Jubilee in 2012.  The Council supported the idea in principle, subject to the farmer who had provided the land for the 2012 beacon agreeing to do the same in 2022.  Councillor Elnor agreed to approach the farmer concerned.

(d) The Woodland Trust – Great Big Green Week – the Clerk reported on correspondence from the Woodland Trust in regard to a proposal to host events in regard to climate change.  After discussion, it was agreed to take no further action. 


The Clerk said that he had been contacted by a resident of Thorold Gardens in regard to grass cutting the narrow grass verges at the entrance to the estate.  The verges were not currently part of the grass cutting schedule, and were in fact cut voluntarily by an estate resident.  After discussion, it was agreed to consider funding the cutting of the grassed areas at the time of budget consideration in January 2022.


(a)  Financial update

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members.

(b)  Accounts paid and for payment


That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):

Anglian Water Business (Supply 12.2.21 – 12.5.21 13.00
Zurich Town and Parish (Insurance renewal) 1524.34
BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – May) 220.00
St Nicholas Church PC (Contribution – In Touch) 248.00
Barkston PCC (Contribution – Church Clock) 152.00
Lincs Association of Local Councils (Annual Sub.) 224.26
Low Carbon Products Ltd. (Bench for Playing Field) 431.88
Fineturf Machinery (Repairs to mower) 1148.89
Allsecure Services Ltd. (Fire extinguisher service) 36.00
BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – June) 440.00