March 2022 Minutes

AT A MEETING of the BARKSTON AND SYSTON PARISH COUNCIL held in the Village Hall, Barkston, on Monday 14th March 2022 at 7.45 pm


Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, Miss M. Costall, S.T. Elnor, A. Hine, S.J. Kelly and A. Rowell.

Also present – District Councillor Ian Stokes and County Councillor Ray Wootten.  


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Pell, which were accepted for the purposes of  an attendance, and from District Councillor Rosemary Kaberry-Brown.  It was noted that Councillor Kaberry-Brown was unwell, and the Clerk was asked to send best wishes for a speedy recovery.


The minutes of the meeting held on 10th January 2022, a copy of which had been circulated to all members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record, subject to County Councillor Ray Wootten being included in the list of those present.


There were none declared.


(a) Update on matters previously raised

Members considered the update circulated by the Clerk on 7th March, with reference to issues raised at the last meeting:  

1. Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street and The Stag corner – as reported at the last meeting, works had been completed and the area would be monitored and reported to the Council if necessary.

In regard to Minnetts Hill/Church Street, this scheme was likely to be delayed, as reported at the last meeting.  A local resident had contacted the Council in regard to flooding following recent heavy rain, and had sent photographic proof.  

This had been forwarded to the Highways Manager with a request that the drains be jetted/cleansed to reduce the likelihood of flooding, and he had advised that the next cleanse would be brought forward if possible. 

2. Parking provision, western end of West Street, Barkston – nothing further to report, area to be monitored.

3. A607 – overgrown trees/bushes – the works were in the process of being carried out.

4. Hedge – Council bungalows, West Street, Barkston – hedge now cut.

5. Road edges, Hough Road (near railway bridge), Barkston – the Area Highways Manager had advised the Council’s request for a more permanent solution than stone haunching would be considered and added to the list for action, although there was no idea as to when works would be carried out.

6. Bus stop clearways, Church Street, Barkston – the signs had been ordered although delivery was awaited.  The contractors had assured Traffic Management that when the signs had been delivered they would be installed as a priority.

7. Footpath, Main Road, Barkston, opposite Village Hall – the Highways Manager had advised that the siding back of the path would be added to the next programme.  The dropped portion of the path, which was covered in mud, grit and weeds, making it unusable, would be cleared.

8. Street light, West Street, Barkston – the request for a new light had been made to SKDC, who had advised that they did not have a budget for additional lights.  It was suggested that either LCC be approached, or the Parish Council install a light at their cost.  Following installation the District Council would adopt the unit for future maintenance.  The Clerk said that SKDC had offered to ask their contractor to visit the site to establish whether it was possible to install a unit and, if so, to provide a quotation, and the Clerk said that he had agreed to this suggestion.  A reply was awaited.  

9.  Speeding, A607, Barkston – Community Speedwatch Scheme – despite efforts, only two of the Council’s volunteers had confirmed their willingness to continue with the scheme.  The Clerk said  that he was continuing discussions with the Clerk of Belton & Manthorpe Parish Council with a view to a sharing arrangement between the two parishes.

10. Grit bin – upper slope on Minnett’s Hill, Barkston – this had been reported as empty and had been reported to the County Council to be replenished.

11. Gullies on Main Street, Syston – these had been reported to have been cleared, but a request had been received for similar action to be taken on The Drift and River Lane.  This had been reported to the Highways Manager, who had confirmed that the roads mentioned would be attended to when the team was next in the area.

12. Clean up of area in front of Barkston House – confirmed that this had been carried out by the SKDC ‘Big Clean’ team.  Councillors expressed pleasure at the high standard of the work.

13. Street light number 39, Church Street, Barkston – reported to SKDC as not working but now repaired.

14. Street light, Main Street, Syston – the light near the noticeboard was reported as not working.  Councillor Hine agreed to report to SKDC via the online system. 


(a) Decisions on applications already reported:

Formation of two SRF/recovered plastics bale storage areas, New Earth Solutions (West) Ltd., Copper Hill Industrial Estate, Ermine Street, Ancaster (consulted as a neighbouring authority – approved

Renovations/alteration of curtilage listed building, Old Hall, Church Street, Syston – approved 

Proposed drop kerb to form new vehicular access at front of dwelling (re-submission), Tagmoor, Main Road, Barkston – approved

Section 73 application to vary condition 1 to allow for the erection of a detached garage to serve plot Unit B, 1 Crosby Court, Barkston – approved

Erection of four log cabin holiday let units, Barkston Heath Farm, Heath Lane, Barkston – no objection – subsequently approved

A request for an update in regard to enforcement action in connection with the static van on the site at Drift Lane, Barkston had not been answered, and the Clerk said that he had made a further request for an update from SKDC.

(b) Planning Policy – agreed to defer consideration to the next meeting, for the correct document to be circulated.

The Chair referred to a discussion during the public forum at the last meeting, which had prompted circulation of a report considering possible changes to the policy, and expressed concern at the standard of behaviour.  The Clerk said that he would check Standing Orders and, if there was anything relevant, he would circulate this to members for information.  Councillor Wootten referred to the revised SKDC Code of Conduct, which might also be relevant, and said that he would arrange for a copy to be circulated to the Clerk.  


The Clerk referred members to an information report on a consultation in regard to amendments the Environmental Permitting Regulations as they would apply to groundwater activities and surface water discharge activities, as they affected the Parish Council in the use of the Burial Ground.

In the event that the amended regulations were approved, there would be a number of conditions to comply with, and these were set out in the report.  Most would not significantly affect the Council except one in relation to a proposal to increase the size of burial plots.  This point had been referred to the local MP with a request that she find an answer from DEFRA.  A reply had been received from the MP to the effect that in view of many similar queries, DEFRA were working to review the proposed conditions.  The Clerk said that he would keep members informed.

A letter was reported from a representative of a family with a number of graves in the Burial Ground expressing thanks for the neat and tidy manner in which the area was maintained. 

The Clerk reported that a tree had fallen in the recent high winds, and that this had been removed at a cost of £130.  Members noted the report.


The Council noted a report from Councillors Card and Rowell in relation to the dog waste bin outside the Burial Ground.  The bin was becoming fuller on a regular basis, and required emptying into the black bin at the Burial Ground on a weekly basis.

A request for a bin on Hough Road was mentioned, although the proposed site was unclear.  Councillor Pell had, in the past offered to empty a bin if one was provided, and the Clerk was asked to check with him if this was still the case.  Councillor Kelly undertook to confirm the suggested location with the resident who had made the original request, although it was suggested that near the notice board would be a suitable location.


Councillor Kelly said that the Playing Field AGM would be held in the last week in April, and he asked the Council to consider their representatives for the ensuing year.  It was agreed to re-appoint Councillors Rowell and Connor.

Councillor Kelly reported that an inspection of the equipment in the children’s play area had taken place and a small amount of wood had been found to be rotting, although this was not considered to be dangerous.  The manufacturers had been advised, and they were assessing whether this was covered under the guarantee.

Funding had been received from the England and Wales Cricket Board for the renovation of the Patio area around the pavilion, in order to provide a more welcoming environment for users.  This would be balanced with funding from the Cricket Club and Playing Field Committee.


The Clerk said that the wooden sign had still not been refurbished, but that efforts were still being made to find a solution.

Councillor Connor said that the local Fishing Club had been advised that their usual parking site was no longer available, but that the Club Secretary had advised members to use the picnic area instead.  This had been done without consultation with the Parish Council.  After discussion it was agreed to monitor the use of the area for the time being.

A query was raised in regard to the information boards which had been discussed last year.  The Clerk reminded members that funding had been agreed in the budget for the next financial year, and that he would ensure that up to date quotations would be obtained.


The Clerk reminded the Council that last year it had been suggested that a meeting with the new Chief Constable be arranged, to discuss issues of concern locally.  The Chief Constable had asked that his Area Commander take the meeting instead, however.  It had been suggested that the meeting be combined with Belton & Manthorpe, who were in agreement.  The Council wondered if the proposed meeting should be public, and it was agreed that the Clerk would contact Belton & Manthorpe for their views, and then arrange the meeting accordingly. 

2590. TREES

The Clerk advised members that the free trees from the County Council had all been received and planted.  Members noted the report.


The Clerk gave a short update on arrangements being made to commemorate the Jubilee in June, which include a fete on the Playing Field on 5th June, and possibly something in St Nicholas Close. Information was shortly to be distributed by hand and social media.  The Clerk also reminded the Council that a Jubilee Beacon was planned for the 2nd June.  Members noted the report.


The Clerk reported that nothing had been heard from the School, despite a further reminder.  After discussion, it was agreed to take no further action for the time being.


(a)  Financial update

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members.

(b)  Accounts paid and for payment


(i) That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):

Rachel Metcalfe (Batteries for Christmas decorations)     £39.84

Anglian Water Business (Supply 12.11.21 – 12.2.22)     £13.53

Paul Johnson (Removal of fallen tree in Burial Ground)     £130.00

(ii) That the following account now submitted be approved for payment:

M L Hall (Half year salary)     £1106.43   


A query was raised in relation to publication of the minutes of Council meetings, or information from meetings, now that the ‘In Touch’ magazine was no longer published.  It was noted that whilst the minutes were published on the website, not everyone had access, and it was queried whether minutes could be put on notice boards.  The Clerk said that this had been done in the past but too much space was taken, leaving little room for other notices.  It had therefore been agreed that a permanent notice be placed, advising where the minutes could be accessed, either via the website or directly from the Clerk.  After discussion, it was agreed that the Clerk look into other methods of providing access to the minutes, and take appropriate action.