October 2022 Minutes


AT A MEETING of the BARKSTON AND SYSTON PARISH COUNCIL held in the Village Hall, Barkston, on Monday 3 October 2022 at 7.45 pm


Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, Miss M. Costall, S. Elnor, S.J. Kelly, C. I. Pell and A. Rowell.

Also present – County Councillor R. Wootten and District Councillor I. Stokes.


Apologies for absence, accepted for the purposes of an attendance, were received from Councillor Hine.


The minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2022, a copy of which had been circulated to all members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


There were none declared.


Members considered the update circulated by the Clerk on 5th September, with reference to issues raised at and since the last meeting.

(a).   Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street – still on the list for action in the current financial year.  In addition the cleansing team had been asked to bring forward a cleanse of the drains in the area, to hopefully avoid problems with flooding, as had happened after recent heavy rains.   

(b).   Parking provision, end of West Street, Barkston – after discussion, it was agreed that the Clerk would ask the Area Surveyor to arrange for the verge to be cut deeper, i.e. further in towards the hedge, so that cars could park fully off the road.  It was noted that there was a continuing problem with litter and bags of dog waste.

(c).   Road edges, Hough Road (near railway bridge), Barkston – the scheme is on a list for completion, along with the uneven road near The Spinney.  The Area Highways Manager had arranged for the area to be looked at to see what works would be required.  

(d).   Street light, West Street, Barkston – ownership of road – the road is owned by LCC.  Further consideration of the provision of a light has been deferred to the budget meeting in January.

(e).   Community Speedwatch – the Council noted the Clerk’s full report, as circulated.  The Clerk said that in order to avoid a gap in the publicity between the Council and Belton & Manthorpe, he had consulted the Chair, who had given authority to carry out the same publicity, i.e. leafletting the villages.  Leaflets had been produced, and were available for distribution.  In addition, there was further publicity on the Council’s website and it was intended to place notices around Barkston.

It was noted that previous attempts to encourage participation had not proved successful, but it was agreed to carry out the publicity suggested, and reconsider at a future meeting, when hopefully information would be available from Belton & Manthorpe.

(f).   Speed limit, Hough Road, Barkston – the reduction of the limit outside the current 40 mph area had been referred to LCC, and County Councillor support had been received, as required.  The County Council process would now start, although there were a large number of requests in the pipeline.

(g).   Station Road, Barkston – extension of speed limit westwards and provision of ‘hump backed bridge’ sign – referred to LCC, the process being the same as item (f) above.

(h).   Road sign, A607, near refuge/garage – this is the ‘Keep Left’ sign on the refuge near to the garage, which had been knocked sideways, presumably by passing high sided traffic.  This had been referred to LCC and passed to the street lighting team, who deal with signs/bollards.  Although the sign appeared to have been straightened, it had been knocked sideways again, and the Clerk was asked to again refer this to LCC with a request that the sign be placed higher or made smaller, so as to avoid being hit.

(i).   Dumped vehicle, Main Road, Syston – removed before the SKDC contractor attended.

(j).   Footpath from Hough Road across railway line – the Clerk reported that he had been advised that the path would be cleared as soon as resources allowed.  Members thought that the clearance had been done, and it was agreed that the Clerk would check.

(k).  Parking, West Street, Barkston/amendment to waiting restrictions – the Clerk’s report included a reference to a request received from a resident of West Street for the waiting restrictions to be reconsidered, with a view to them being extended to make it easier for large farm vehicles and caravans to manoeuvre past parked vehicles.  Councillor Wootten also referred to a similar request from a West Street resident.  

In his report the Clerk pointed out that the current restrictions had only been approved after extensive consultation with residents and other users of the road.  In regard to caravans, Councillor Elnor commented that no problems had been reported to him, and in regard to farm vehicles, he and other local farmers avoided weekends where possible and he was not aware of any insurmountable problems.  After a further discussion, during which it was generally agreed that problems could be avoided with patience and care, it was agreed to take no further action.

(l).   Grit bin, junction of Wipperstall Hill/Green Lane, Syston – the Clerk advised that a new bin was to be provided at this junction.

(m). Provision of advertising banner, Village Green, Barkston – the Clerk reported a request from Barkston School for permission to place an advertising banner on the verge next to the Green.  He said that he had advised the School that this was not within the Parish Council’s control, and that an application should be made to LCC.  However, he had advised that the request would be put before the meeting with a view to the Parish Council confirming support for any application, as had happened with the Christmas decorations over the last two years.  The Council raised no objection to the request.


(a)   Comments/decisions:

i.   Decisions on applications already reported:

Strip existing roof on main building and rear extension and re-roof, The Stag, Church Street, Barkston – approved

Outline permission for residential development comprising five detached dwellings (all matters reserved), The Gables, Honington Road, Barkston - approved

ii.   Approval of details reserved by condition:

Confirmation that Condition 1 of planning permission S19/0828 has been complied with, Little Witham, The Drift, Syston 

The Clerk reported that nothing further had been heard following his request for an update regarding enforcement action in regard to the caravan on land off Drift Lane, Barkston.  It was pointed out that it was now nearly 15 months approximately since the refusal of the application for a large mobile home on the same area.  Clerk to again contact SKDC to request an update.


Nothing to report on general matters, but it was noted that the war graves sign had now been erected.


Councillor Kelly said that the annual safety check for the play area had been carried out and no serious issues had been noted.


Further to previous discussion in regard to the proposed information boards, the Clerk reported that he had contacted the Graphics Tutor at Grantham College, as suggested by Councillor Hine, and that there had been a very positive response.  The content suggested so far by members had been passed on, and further information was awaited from The Stag, who had indicated that they would contribute to the cost of the board if information regarding the pub was included.  The size of the board was discussed, and it was agreed to work to A2 size in the first instance, but to consider increasing the size if necessary, following initial work by Grantham College.  Clerk to also check prices with Vistaprint, in addition to those already received.


(a)   Financial update

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members

(b)   Accounts paid and for payment


i. That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):

BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – June)


T C Turner (Jubilee Expenses – Syston)


Lincs Gardening Services (Hedge – Burial Ground)


BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – July)


Anglian Water Business (Supply 12.5.22 – 12.8.22)


South Kesteven DC (Barkston Jubilee – trade waste)


HMRC (Clerk’s PAYE)


BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – August, plus Picnic Area)


ii. Account for payment

That the following account now submitted be approved for payment:

M L Hall (Clerk’s half year salary)                                 £1139.20        

The meeting closed at 8:30pm.