November 2022 DRAFT Minutes


AT A MEETING of the BARKSTON AND SYSTON PARISH COUNCIL held in the Village Hall, Barkston, on Monday 14 November 2022 at 7.45 pm


Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, Miss M. Costall, S. Elnor, C. I. Pell and A. Rowell.

Also present – County Councillor R. Wootten and District Councillor I. Stokes.


The minutes of the meeting held on 3 October 2022, a copy of which had been circulated to all members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


There were none declared.


Members considered the update circulated by the Clerk on 7 November, with reference to issues raised at and since the last meeting in relation to the following:

(a).   Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street – still on the list for action in the current financial year.  In addition the cleansing team had been asked to bring forward a cleanse of the drains in the area, to hopefully avoid problems with flooding, as had happened after recent heavy rains.   Update requested but not received as at date of meeting.

(b).   Parking provision, end of West Street, Barkston – after discussion, it was agreed that the Clerk would ask the Area Surveyor to arrange for the verge to be cut deeper, i.e. further in towards the hedge, so that cars could park fully off the road.  Update requested but not received.

(c).   Road edges, Hough Road (near railway bridge), Barkston – the scheme is on a list for completion, along with the uneven road near The Spinney. Update requested but not received.

(d).   Community Speedwatch – publicity was agreed at the last meeting.  Leaflets had been circulated and notices placed on the boards, and at other locations, but only one response received.  Belton & Manthorpe Parish Council were to consider the situation later in the month, and it was likely that they would agree to defer further action on the scheme until March 2023 at the earliest.

(e).   Road sign, A607, near refuge/garage – the signs were still misaligned, but were viewable from both directions.  Update requested but not received.

(f).   Footpath from Hough Road across railway line – path cleared and easily walkable.

(g)   Flooding, A607 – the area at The Stag/A607 had again flooded during recent heavy rains.  This had been reported by Councillors, the Clerk and Councillor Wootten, and the Area Surveyor had promised to organise the tanker to attend and clear the drains as soon as possible.


(a)  Comments/decisions:

Comments made following consultation:

Residential development comprising the erection of four detached dwellings and renovation/enlargement of existing dwelling, The Gables, Hough Road, Barkston – no 

It was noted that since the Parish Council comments had been sent to SKDC, some comments/objections had been received from neighbouring residents, to the effect that the proposed new buildings were too close to existing properties, and were overpowering.  Councillor Stokes advised that he too had received objections, and had asked for the application to be considered at the Planning Committee, which had been agreed.  After discussion and clarification, the Council noted the situation.

Remove a Norwegian Spruce tree in rear garden, The Old Crankcase, Church Street, Barkston – no objection

(b)  Land off Drift Lane, Barkston – SKDC had advised that the applicants had been sent a challenge letter requesting the removal of the mobile home.  However, the applicants were still of the opinion that the mobile home was permitted whilst the permitted barn was being built.  SKDC were prepared to serve a planning contravention notice requiring the applicants to provide proof of the use of the land and mobile home.  On receipt of this, SKDC would be able to decide what further action to take.

(c)  Dog training/walking site, Hough Road, Barkston – the Parish Council’s attention had been drawn to the fact that the car park required to be provided before the site was brought into use, as required by the planning permission, had not been provided.  Cars had been seen parked on Hough Road, causing a danger to road users.  Other breaches of the conditions attached to the permission had been mentioned, and an email outlining these had been received and forwarded to SKDC for action.


Nothing to report.

The Clerk said that he had been passed a request for information on rent, lease or ownership details of the Playing Field, required by the Valuation Office for the calculation of rateable value, and had completed the details required.  Nothing further had been heard. 

Further to previous discussion in regard to the proposed information boards, the Clerk reported that he had met the Graphics Tutor and students at Grantham College, and had passed on all the information so far received.  A general discussion took place in regard to further information requested by the College about the content of the board, and the Clerk said that he would pass this on to them.  The Clerk said that it had been suggested by the College that a draft of the board could be ready within about 2 weeks, and that the Council’s comments at that stage would be welcomed.  He suggested that the Council nominate 1 or 2 Councillors to accompany him to comment on the draft.  It was agreed that Councillors Connor and Hine would undertake this task.


The Clerk reminded members that an email from the LCC Countryside section about a proposed update of the Definitive Footpath Map had been received and circulated for comment by the deadline of 1 December.  The existing plans were available at the meeting for members to check.


The Clerk reported on a suggestion which had been made by the Parish Council’s Webmaster that the Council might consider making space on the website for advertising by local businesses.  He cited an example (Splash Doggy – a business on the old Barkston Heath airfield), which had been included on the website as an example.  No charge had been fixed as yet, although as an example a similar site in the Webmaster’s parish charged £32 for the village magazine, and a parallel sum for the website.

It was agreed to proceed with the idea in principle, charging a nominal fee similar to that noted above, but to offer the service to those businesses formerly advertising in ‘In Touch’, and report to the next meeting on progress.


The risk inspection had been carried out on 10th November.  The only issues found were, firstly, a loose headstone in the Burial Ground, which had that day been reported to the grant holder.  She had promised action, and progress would be checked.  Secondly, in regard to the War Memorial, the inspecting group considered that it was time that the top part of the Memorial should be inspected by an experienced monumental mason, as this had not taken place for a number of years.  The Council agreed and asked the Clerk to organise.


(a)   Financial update

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members.

The Clerk reminded members that the budget included an amount of £100 for the costs involved in the Christmas decoration of the Village Green.  A substantial portion of this had already been spent this year, and he wondered whether a small additional allocation might be sensible, in case there was a request for further funding.  Members considered the suggestion and it was agreed to allocate a further £50, and to ask the organisers to provide a budget for subsequent years.

(b)   Accounts paid and for payment


That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):

Barkston and Syston Village Hall (Hire for meetings)


South Kesteven D C (Printing)


M L Hall (Half year salary)


Wicksteed Leisure (Inspection fee)


BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – September)



The Clerk reported a case of fly tipping at The Spinney on Hough Road, which had been reported by Councillor Elnor, and now cleared.

The Clerk reminded members that the next meeting, on 9th January 2023, was the budget meeting.   He asked that any proposals, properly costed, be submitted to him by 31st December.

Councillor Rowell mentioned that during the risk inspection it had been noted that the wooden seat at the entrance to St Nicholas Close, Barkston, was damaged and dangerous.  This had
been reported to SKDC for action.

The meeting closed at 8:58pm.