May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting


AT THE ANNUAL MEETING of the BARKSTON AND SYSTON PARISH COUNCIL held in the Village Hall, Barkston, on Monday 9th May 2022 immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting


Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, Miss M. Costall, P.C.Connor, S.T. Elnor, A. Hine, S.J. Kelly, C. I. Pell and A. Rowell.



That Councillor Miss M.E.Nussey be elected Chairman for the ensuing year.

Agreed that Councillor Miss Nussey would sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman at a later date.



That Councillor A.C.Card be elected Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.


Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor Wootten, and the Council were advised that he was currently in hospital.  The Clerk was asked to send the Council’s best wishes for a speedy recovery.


The minutes of the meeting held on 14th March 2022, a copy of which had been circulated to all embers, were taken as read and approved as a correct record, subject to, in minute 2588, the word ‘formal’ being inserted between the words ‘without’ and ‘consultation’ in line 3 of paragraph 2.


There were none declared.


Members considered the update circulated by the Clerk on 28th April, with reference to issues raised at and since the last meeting:

1. Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street – on the list for the current financial year, no further advice received as to a date for works to commence.  The cleaning team had been asked to bring forward the cleanse, and this will happen, but it was not possible to state when.

2. Parking provision, western end of West Street, Barkston – nothing further to report, area to be monitored.

3. A607 – overgrown trees/bushes – works completed.

4. Road edges, Hough Road (near railway bridge), Barkston – reported to LCC after the last meeting, and advised that the scheme was on a list for completion.  Clerk requested to refer the uneven surface of the road in the area of The Spinney for appropriate action, as it was uneven and dangerous for cyclists.

5. Bus stop clearways, Church Street, Barkston – the signs had been installed, although the road markings had not yet been completed.  Clerk to remind the County Council.

6. Footpath, Main Road, Barkston, opposite Village Hall – update from the Highways Manager stating that this area is on the next programme of works. 

7. Street light, West Street, Barkston – the Clerk reported a quotation for a new lighting unit as requested on the road from West Street in front of numbers 60-66, in the sum of £1,350.  This cost ould fall on the Parish Council, but SKDC would adopt the light and take on future maintenance.

After discussion, and noting that there was no budget in the current year, it was agreed to take no further action for the present, but consider the provision of a light at the budget meeting in January.

Clerk to establish who was responsible for the road.

8.  Speeding, A607, Barkston – Community Speedwatch Scheme – the Clerk advised that both he and the Clerk to Belton & Manthorpe Parish Council had planned meetings with all current volunteers in an attempt to re-establish regular checks in both areas.

9. Grit bin – upper slope on Minnett’s Hill, Barkston – to be filled prior to the next winter.  Usually done in August/September.

10. Street light, Main Street, Syston – Councillor Hine reported that he had reported this light, and it was now working.

11. Speed limit, Hough Road, Barkston - it was agreed to request consideration of a reduction in the speed limit outside the current 40 mph limit on Hough Road, in view of the recent permission for a business outside the existing limit, which could have an effect on road safety.

12. Station Road, Barkston – a request had been received from a local resident that consideration be given to the 30 mph sign being moved west of the river bridge, and that an additional sign be requested, warning of the ‘hump backed’ nature of the bridge, in the interests of road safety, as in the vicinity of the picnic area entrance.  It was agreed to pass this to the Highway Authority with a request that it be considered on safety grounds.  A suggestion was also made that a footpath be considered, but it was agreed to take no further action on this.

13. Resurfacing works, A607 – the Clerk reported that resurfacing was planned on the A607 from Chandlers south to Belton Woods Hotel, although the dates were not yet known.

14. Road sign, A607, near refuge/garage – it was reported that a road sign had been displaced, possibly by passing large vehicles, and the Clerk was asked to check and pass the report on to LCC. 


(a) Comments/decisions:

1. Decisions on applications already reported:

Section 73 application to vary condition 1 (approved plans) of planning approval S20/1968 (Section 73 variation to the approval of three dwellings) to allow for the erection of a Detached garage to serve Plot Unit 1, 2 Crosby Court, Barkston – approved

2. Comments made following consultation:

Erection of a single storey extension to the existing garage, erection of a two storey front extension to the dwelling and increase in roof height with proposed dormer windows to the front and rear of the dwelling, Greenacres, Honington Road, Barkston – no objection – subsequently approved

Use of land for dog exercising/training (re-submission following consent ref: S21/0899) (minor revisions), Land north of The Leas, Hough Road, Barkston – no objection

Submission of details reserved by Condition 3 (Sustainable buildings) of S21/2502 (Erection of 4 log cabin holiday let units), Barkston Heath Farm, Heath Lane, Barkston – no objection 

3. Approval of details reserved by condition:

Discharge of conditions 3 (materials), 4 (surface water drainage), 5 (boundary treatment) and 6 (land levels), of planning permission S19/0828, Little Witham, The Drift, Syston

Approval of details of condition 3 (written scheme of archaeological investigation) of planning permission S21/2223, Old Hall, Main Street, Syston

SKDC officers had visited the site of the static van off Drift Lane, Barkston and had agreed that as the van looked to be independently occupied a letter would be sent to the owner of the land to discuss the removal of the van.  There was no evidence to suggest that a caravan could lawfully be occupied on the land.

(b) Planning Policy – The Parish Council had before them a document, prepared by Councillor Kelly and the Clerk, summarising the approach that had applied when planning applications, and other similar matters, were submitted to the Council for comment.  In addition, the document proposed additional detail to clarify the approach the Council would take to applications in the future.

Councillor Kelly took members through the document, the first part of which was a summary of the history to the Council’s consideration of applications, followed by a suggested approach in the future.  He referred to the discussion which had taken place at the January meeting, and explained that the proposed amended policy was an attempt to remove any uncertainty in the method of approach to the consideration of applications.

A member queried what would happen if the situation at the January meeting was repeated, or if someone attended a meeting expecting an application to be considered.  It was confirmed that there would be no discussion at a meeting, as had been suggested in the proposed policy, but that applicants or members of the public could attend and comment during the public forum.  It was, however, likely that comments on a particular application would have been sent in to SKDC already, given the Parish Council’s agreed method of consultation.

Following further discussion it was proposed, seconded and agreed that the policy as circulated be agreed.


The Clerk reminded members that the proposed amendments to certain regulations governing the use of Burial Grounds had been considered at the last meeting.  Since then there had been no further contact from DEFRA, although it had been suggested that a report would be submitted by March.  The Environment Agency had, however, confirmed that there were no groundwater issues affecting the Burial Ground.  The Clerk said that he would keep members informed. 


Councillor Kelly reported on the recent Playing Field AGM, held on 27th April.  He reported that the meeting had considered and approved the Annual Charity Report, and summarized this for the Parish Council.

At the meeting a request had been received from the Cricket Club, seeking approval from the Playing Field Committee, if they were to apply for a Club Premises Licence to sell alcohol on match days.  As the Parish Council were Trustees of the Playing Field, it was felt appropriate that they should be given the opportunity to comment.  Councillor Kelly asked if the Parish Council had any objection in these circumstances, noting that the Playing Field Committee had no objection.  The Parish Council insurers had been contacted and had raised no issues, only pointing out that the Cricket Club would need to seek their own insurance.  The Parish Council raised no objection to the Cricket Club proposal.

In order to ensure that there was control over financial matters, a financial control document had been prepared, and this was outlined by Councillor Kelly for the information of the Parish Council.  This document had been approved by the Playing Field AGM.

Other issues considered included a proposed budget, to include a development fund, the primary purpose of which would be to support any future development of the children’s corner.  This fund could, however, be allocated to other expenditure if approved by the Committee.  An allocation of £5,000 to the general fund had been agreed as a buffer to support any future maintenance costs. Some projects had been proposed for the current financial year, and these were being reviewed further.  The manufacturers of the play equipment had agreed to replace two defective timbers on the jungle bridge, but the Committee would need to self-fit or employ a contractor.

The Parish Council noted Councillor Kelly’s report with thanks.   


The Clerk said that efforts to restore the wooden sign were continuing, and that he was hopeful of a solution emerging soon, via a local tradesman.

Further to the discussion in regard to the proposed information boards, the Clerk said that two quotations had been received, both of which included the artwork.  He said that some ideas had been suggested, and in addition two local businesses had agreed to consider sponsoring part of the cost of the board, subject to a mention of the business.  It was agreed that the Clerk would contact members via email asking for ideas for the content before agreeing a final price with the two firms.


The Clerk reminded members that the proposed joint Barkston and Syston/Belton & Manthorpe meeting with the Police had been arranged for Thursday 12th May in the Village Hall.  He said that he had met with the Belton & Manthorpe Clerk to agree a suggested set of questions to start the meeting, and read these for the information of members.  Two questions had been received from Councillors, and he asked if any more questions could be sent to him by first thing on the 10th May.


The risk inspection had been carried out on the 4th May.  No issues were found which required action.


 The Clerk gave a short further update on arrangements being made to commemorate the Jubilee in  June, much publicity had been undertaken, and events planned included coffee and cake in St  Nicholas Church on the 4th June, and a 6 a side cricket competition and Jubilee Party in the Playing  Field on 5th June.  The Clerk also reminded the Council that a Jubilee Beacon was planned for the  2nd June, although some difficulties were currently being experienced, as the site owner was likely to  be away from the area on 2nd June, so it was possible that this would be cancelled. Members noted the report. 

The Clerk reported an email from the School, explaining the circumstances in which the defibrillator had been removed from the case, and confirming that in future the Parish Council would be notified.  Members noted the report.


 (a)  Financial update

The Council received and noted the financial updates for the period ending 31st March 2022, and so far for 2022, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members.

(b)  Annual Audit for 2021/2022

The Clerk told members that the audit regime introduced last year, whereby the Council could certify itself as exempt from a limited assurance review if neither the Council’s income nor expenditure exceeded £25,000 was continuing.  The Council was within these limits, and the Clerk therefore recommended that the Council certify itself as exempt.  The appropriate form had been circulated to members prior to the meeting to help discussion.

Also circulated to members were the Annual Governance Statement for 2021/22, and the Accounting Statements for 2021/22.  The Clerk explained the elements requiring consideration, and members also took into account the Annual Internal Audit Report, which was read by the Clerk, noting that the Auditor had concluded that all the required objectives had been achieved throughout the financial year, together with the Clerk’s report referred to above.  Having considered the reports and circulated documents, the Council

(i) agreed to certify the Parish Council as exempt from a limited assurance review;

(ii) acknowledged and agreed the Annual Governance Statement for 2021/22 as circulated; and

(iii) acknowledged and agreed the Accounting Statements for 2021/22 as circulated.

(c)  Accounts paid and for payment


(i) That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):

H M Revenue and Customs (Clerk’s PAYE)                276.60
CST Accounting Services (Payroll Services 21/22)              32.00
M L Hall (Expenses 21/22)                        341.36
BDG Mowing (Grass cutting – March)                231.00
LALC (Subscription 22/23)                        226.54
Community Heartbeat Trust (Annual support)            302.40
SKDC (Printing/binding)                            7.90 
Marshall’s Marquees (Platinum Jubilee hire)            118.75
BDG Mowing (Grass cutting – April)                    470.00
Glasdon UK (Dog waste bins)                    444.98   

(ii) That the following account now submitted be approved for payment:

Zurich Municipal (Renewal for 2022/23)                                 1690.70     


The Clerk mentioned that as agreed at the last meeting, dog waste bins had been purchased. These would be placed on West Street, near the road to numbers 60/66 and at the Thorold Gardens/Hough Road junction.  Arrangements had been made for the contents to be emptied regularly.

A query was raised in regard to the lack of a sign advising that there were war graves in the Burial Ground, and the Clerk said that he would chase the Commonwealth War Graves Commission for an answer.