July 2022 Minutes


AT A MEETING of the BARKSTON AND SYSTON PARISH COUNCIL held in the Village Hall, Barkston, on Monday 11th July 2022 at 7.45 pm


Councillor Miss M.E. Nussey in the Chair

Councillors A.C. Card, P.C. Connor, A. Hine, S.J. Kelly, C. I. Pell and A. Rowell.


Mr Steve Micklewright gave a short report on activities which had been organised in Barkston to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  A street party had been considered but had been dismissed as being impractical, in favour of a Jubilee Picnic Party on the Playing Field.  Publicity had been undertaken, and a bar and marquee shelter had been organised.  However, on the day, the very bad weather had put paid to many of the events, although the dog show had been a success.  

The event had been as good as could be expected in the circumstances, and although the Village Hall had been suggested as an alternative venue, it was not considered large enough.  The small organising group had, he considered, been enthusiastic and creative, and he thanked them, the Playing Field Committee and the Parish Council for their support.  For information, the Clerk gave details of expenses incurred.

The Parish Council thanked Mr Micklewright and the organising committee for all their efforts.
Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor Wootten, who was now at home recovering following his stroke.  The Clerk was again asked to send the Council’s best wishes for his continued recovery. Apologies for absence, accepted for the purposes of an attendance, were received from Councillors Costall and Elnor.

The minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2022, a copy of which had been circulated to all members, were taken as read and approved as a correct record.


There were none declared.


Members considered the update circulated by the Clerk on 4th July, with reference to issues raised at and since the last meeting.

Unfortunately, no substantive replies had been received from the Highways Manager in regard to some of the matters raised, although he had promised a full response by the end of next week.  The Clerk suggested, and it was agreed, that the response would be circulated to members in advance of the next meeting, in regard to the following:

1. Blocked drains, Minnetts Hill/Church Street.
2. Road edges, Hough Road (near railway bridge), Barkston.
3. Street light, West Street, Barkston – ownership of road.
4. Speed limit, Hough Road, Barkston 
5. Station Road, Barkston – extension of speed limit westwards and provision of ‘hump backed bridge’ sign.
6. Road sign, A607, near refuge/garage.

1.   Other matters in the report included:

Parking provision, western end of West Street, Barkston – nothing further to report, area to be monitored. 

2.   Bus Stop clearways, Church Street, Barkston – all works in regard to signing had been completed, although issues had been raised in relation to the positioning of the road markings outside the school, and the colour of the lines.  The road markings outside the  school had been positioned so as to allow the bus to manoeuvre round any nearby parked vehicles, but the colour of the markings could be changed.  After discussion, and noting that the lines were already more subdued in colour because of road grime and general use, it was agreed to take no further action.

3.   Community Speedwatch – discussions were still taking place with Belton & Manthorpe Parish Council, although there was little support, and the planned meetings had not taken place.  A further report would be submitted to the next meeting.

4.   Dumped vehicle, Main Road, Syston – reference was made to a car which had been dumped on Main Street, Syston, and the Clerk updated the Council in regard to the procedure for its removal.   It was agreed that the Clerk would chase SKDC for the current position, and advise the Council.

5.   Footpath from Hough Road across railway line – the Clerk was asked to report that this path was difficult to access owing to overgrown vegetation.


(a) Comments/decisions:

1. Decisions on applications already reported:

Use of land for dog exercising/training (re-submission following consent ref: S21/0899) (minor revisions), Land north of The Leas, Hough Road, Barkston – approved

2. Comments made following consultation:

Replacement stone wall – approx. 10 foot high and 49 foot long.  Long Cottage, The Drift, Syston – no objection – subsequently approved

Works to tree, Maple Grove, Syston – no objection

Strip existing roof on main building and rear extension and re-roof, The Stag, Church Street, Barkston – no objection

Outline planning permission for residential development, comprising five detached dwellings (all matters reserved), The Gables, Honington Road, Barkston – no objection 

Work to trees, The Grange, Hough Road, Barkston – no objection – subsequently approved

3. Approval of details reserved by condition:

Submission of details reserved by Condition 3 (Sustainable buildings) of S21/2502 (Erection of 4 log cabin holiday let units), Barkston Heath Farm, Heath Lane, Barkston 

Nothing further had been heard following the visit by SKDC officers to the site of the static van off Drift Lane, Barkston and the Clerk was asked to refer this to the Enforcement Team again, and circulate the results to members.


The Clerk said that nothing further had been heard about the proposed amendments to certain regulations governing the use of Burial  Grounds which had been considered at the last meeting. The Clerk said that he would keep members informed. 

Contact had been made with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission in regard to the war graves sign, and a reply was awaited.


Councillor Kelly updated members on matters connected to the Playing Field.  He said that the timbers referred to at the last meeting had been received, but not fitted yet.  The annual safety check for the play area had been organized, and was awaited, and the regular inspections had been carried out, with no defects noted.  The Cricket Club had decided against applying for a Club Premises Licence.   

A meeting of the Playing Field Committee had been arranged to consider two applications to hire the Playing Field, for a wedding and a birthday party, involving the use of a marquee.  These had been declined.

The Parish Council noted Councillor Kelly’s report with thanks.


The Clerk advised that the wooden sign had been restored, and was now in place.

Further to the discussion in regard to the proposed information boards, the Clerk reported that he had contacted members for ideas for content for the board, and some suggestions had been received.  A discussion had taken place with the local firm who had submitted a quotation, and it had been suggested that it might be necessary to further consider the board’s content, as in their opinion there was currently too much information, which could be confusing.  A discussion took place, and it was agreed that the content would be reconsidered and discussed at the next meeting.  Councillor Hine agreed to approach a contact at Grantham College in regard to the board’s design.


The Clerk reminded members that the meeting with the Police had taken place on 8th June.  The meeting had lasted approximately 90 minutes, and various queries were raised and answered by Chief Superintendent McAdam.  An important issue raised had been the lack of contact with the local response Team, and subsequently the Clerk had received full contact details, which had been circulated to Members.  It was agreed that the Clerk should arrange for these to be published on the website, and on the Barkston Facebook and Syston Whatsapp Groups


(a) Barkston – A report on events in Barkston had been given during the public forum, and the Clerk reminded members of the total cost, which amounted to £734.35, including VAT.   The beacon had been lit, as planned.

(b) Request for funding for Syston event – the Clerk read a request for financial support for the Syston Platinum Picnic Party, which had taken place on 5th June, following the Parish Council’s support for events in Barkston.  Details of costs were given, in the total sum of £187.70.  The event, which had suffered, like Barkston’s, from the weather, had in the end been held in a local farmer’s barn.  After discussion, it was agreed that the expenses be paid.


(a)  Financial update

The Council received and noted the financial updates at the present date, and the Clerk explained these for the information of members

The Clerk further updated the Council and said that he had received a cheque from In Touch, representing a share of the final balance in the account, in the sum of £1,939.61.  Other contributors had received payments in line with their annual contributions.  The money would be accounted for in the Charity Account column, and any distribution could be considered at the budget meeting in January 2023.  Members noted the report.

(b)  Accounts paid and for payment


That payment of the following accounts be approved and confirmed (all online):

Sutcliffe Play Ltd. (Carriage charge – replacement logs for play  equipment)  £66.00

Marshall’s Events (Balance of Marquee hire)              £356.25

Anglian Water Business (Supply 12.2.22 – 12.5.22)           £11.72

Barkston PCC (Donation – Clock)                  £157.00

LALC (Website maintenance 22/23)                   £180.00

Signs Express (Banners for Jubilee)                   £246.00

BDG Mowing Contractors (Mowing – May)              £487.00

Mrs P Haynes (Jubilee expenses)                  £18.89

Mrs C Townson (Jubilee expenses)                  £132.97

Christopher Savage (Refurbishing picnic area lower sign)     £180.00

Allsecure Services Ltd. (Fire extinguisher service)         £43.20

Barkston PCC (Replacement donation – first payment returned as account closed)  £157.00

Simon M Williams (Installing dog waste bins)        £175.00

Christopher Savage (Refurbishing picnic area upper sign)    £160.00     


The Clerk asked members to note that he had arranged for the Burial Ground hedge to be cut at a cost of £410, being a slight increase over last year, to cover the cost of fuel.

Councillor Rowell reported that he had trimmed the lower branches of the trees on the Village Green.  The Chair thanked Councillor Rowell for his efforts.

The Council noted that the recently purchased dog waste bins were now in position.  The Chair thanked Councillors Kelly and Pell for agreeing to empty them on a regular basis.